Transform Your Career Change with Generative AI! Why settle for what everybody is doing when you can revolutionize your career reinvention? Our Generative AI for Business program empowers you to innovate like never before, unlocking unimaginable growth and efficiencies when you search, plan and develop your future career.

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Creative Jobs Of The Future

Your Career Discovery Guide

Art Of Green Path guides you to use your creative potential for something good and meaningful.

Art Of Green Path - Career Change - Creative Jobs Of The Future

10 Creative Fields Of The Future

1. Physical and psychological HEALTH

2. ECOLOGICAL and LOCAL food production


4. RENEWABLE energy


6. AUTOMATION everywhere

7. Holistic transdisciplinary EDUCATION

8. VIRTUAL REALITIES and interactions

9. CLIMATE CHANGE adaptations

10. New models of VALUE CREATION

Find out more, including Your Challenge below!

Life should be playful, beautiful, curious, unpredictable journey of authentic discoveries. If you let it be.

[tqb_quiz id=’1340′]Your Career Discovery Guide - Art Of Green Path

Your Career Discovery Guide – Art Of Green Path

Creative Jobs of the Future: Explore new and emerging career opportunities in diverse industries with our expert tips and creative resources. Learn how to research potential careers, recognize where your values and goals intersect and create a green transition plan. Take control of your professional life and start achieving your career aspirations today!

Learn about Your Path Of Invention!

I Feel Creative Because…

I Feel Creative Because - Art Of Green Path

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Creative Jobs Of The Future

This age of unprecedented technological development and disruptions of existing industries, running with ever-increasing speed – also offers many opportunities for creative people willing to invent new ways of helping people to thrive. There are three main dimensions of the future of work. The first is designing highly automated and artificial intelligence supported cities, transport, food and energy systems. The second is creating new virtual realities and content for unimaginable interactions that improve well-being (opposite the present situation with distractions and addictions). The third dimension is helping people be healthy and good despite ever-growing chaos where development is ahead of human evolution (this includes the future of education and care). All three have an umbrella of reaching sustainable goals and adapting to the consequences of climate change and human influence on Earth systems.

You Have A Crucial Role To Play

Suppose you choose a career in these three areas – AI automation, virtual interactions and healthy humans – while keeping your high ethical values. In that case, you can enjoy very creative work while positively impacting massive future life changes. Not everything will be rosy, far from it. The new system will replace the old one, but invisible rulers will stay the same. People will still be fooled and disillusioned, probably even more than today.

Easy and obvious options will not be the best solutions. Creative thinking, integrative skills, green skills, confidence, flexibility, AI tools, data analysis, social-ecological systems, healthy choices and transformative change are your intelligent tools for the future. Combining new learning about the psychology of human behaviours with an understanding of all potential and consequences of new technologies will be crucial to finding your way through the very complex world.

A Meaningful Career That Cares About Life

Many old jobs that can be automated or replaced will disappear completely. Already we have a high demand for complex creative jobs and those that require a delicate human touch. Between many new possibilities for work, wise people will choose those where they can create something valuable and needed and positive, not just for themselves but also for all people and our natural systems. Unselfish visionary people will choose to help develop our better future.

Undoubtedly it will be a challenge given all chances that we run into the future without life, the artificial reality we don’t want, the one where humans are not needed. So choosing a meaningful career that makes you sustainably happy is the ultimate challenge of successful life reinvention – on a personal, social, and ecological level. By creating our ART, we discover GREEN perspectives that empower our PATH.

Why Art Of Green Path

Art Of Green Path empowers positive life transformations through a curated journey of better life choices. Hence, it gives you a personal perspective to discover your path of creation.

The future belongs to businesses that prioritize sustainability.

Sustainability isn’t an option; it’s a responsibility.

Art Of Green Path

Groups Of Personalised and Flexible Services We Are Offering

a comprehensive range of services aimed at fostering sustainable and impactful growth in the digital age

Unlock a world of transformative possibilities with Art Of Green Path’s diverse range of Consulting and Coaching Services. Whether it’s nurturing impactful ideas, leveraging Generative AI for innovation, or navigating through a career reinvention, our expertly tailored services are your companions in this visionary journey. Ready to transcend the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary? Engage with us, and together let’s craft a future aligned with purpose, sustainability, and meaningful impact.

click on each icon or description to find out more

Idea Incubator & Strategy Alignment Service

Where ideas take shape and strategies align for meaningful change.

Strategic Business Development Service

Crafting strategies that drive growth and impact.

Generative AI for Business Service

Leveraging AI’s potential for innovative solutions.

AI-Powered Digital Marketing Service

Harnessing the power of AI for effective digital marketing.

Career Reinvention & Coaching Service

Navigating career transitions with confidence.

Sustainability and Impact Transformation Service

Transforming sustainability into a competitive advantage.

Impact Leadership Service

Lead into a visionary, purposeful and regenerative AI future.

Custom Transformations Service

Transform your life or business and impact the world.

Each service group includes highly personalized consulting, coaching, 1:1 sessions, workshops, brainstorming sessions, strategizing and evaluations to ensure alignment with your specific needs, goals, time and budget.

There are eight groups of services, focused on solutions relevant to transformative change. Each group offers Focus Services (from 1 hour to few weeks) for shorter engagements and Core Services (from several weeks to several months) for longer immersions. They can all be customized to suit your individual or business needs. 

It is probably useful to say that I perform all these services personally, from my broad business and entrepreneurial experience, reflected between unique life and career transformations.

It helps that I also created the entire Art Of Green Path concept, ecosystem and Four Paths program.

Curious to hear how I can help you! Roman 

Your Career Discovery Guide - Art Of Green Path

Your Career Discovery Guide – Art Of Green Path

Careers For AI-Powered Sustainable Future

And where you fit in it

Our world is rapidly changing, faster than most people can understand new directions and change themselves. Hence, being prepared for what is coming as radical changes in the job market, our interconnected way of living and our dependence on nature will give you the advantage to find your place in such a complex, demanding, unpredictable future.

We hope such a future will be sustainable, balanced, human friendly and nature friendly. However, I will discuss the possibilities and implications of other futures at another time, as they are far from rosy and wanted.

Many different careers can contribute to a sustainable future. Jobs that focus on protecting the environment, promoting social justice, and advancing technology responsibly and ethically are likely important in creating a sustainable future.

Some examples include jobs in renewable energy, such as wind and solar power, as well as careers in environmental conservation, waste management, and sustainable agriculture. Other occupations that can help create a sustainable future include those in urban planning and transportation, which can help reduce the environmental impact of how people live and move around in cities. Additionally, careers in education and policymaking can help promote sustainability by raising awareness about the importance of these issues and implementing policies that support sustainable practices.

Artificial intelligence is already shaping the future of humanity across nearly every industry. It is the primary driver of emerging technologies like big data, robotics and the IoT (Internet Of Things), and it will continue to influence our future in both technological and behavioral dimensions. Moreover, its impact will rapidly increase in the coming years, so any knowledge and experience gained will undoubtedly be an intelligent investment.

Learn more about rapid development of AI and its impact on the future of work and business with the help of our dedicated AI Guides For Our Sustainable Future.

Sustainability is a broad concept that encompasses a wide range of issues, including the environment, social justice, and economic development. Some careers that might be particularly relevant to sustainability include:

These are examples of careers that will strongly contribute to a sustainable future. Other professions, including education, healthcare, and social services, are also vital to help create a more sustainable and equitable world.

All these careers focus on balancing people’s and the planet’s needs and ensuring that future generations have access to the resources they need to thrive while protecting healthy biodiversity and ecosystems, which are prerequisites for everything else.

Do you know where you could fit in a AI-driven human-centered sustainable future?

Which are your green skills?

Which careers for a sustainable and AI-driven future can cover your values, needs and goals?

Are you focusing on developing your creativity, resilience and resourcefulness?

Do you know how to survive and thrive in such an unpredictable future?

Art Of Green Path guides your self-understanding, green choices and authentic growth toward your desired future.

Resources For Positive Impact Through AI Technology and Sustainable Living

And how they support each other

If you are looking for holistic vision of positive impact, where you can combine personal growth with a desire for a sustainable and meaningful life, the following resources might provide valuable insights, tools, or networks to support your journey towards sustainable living, community building, and leveraging AI technology for positive impact:

Leveraging AI Technology for Positive Impact:

Applying AI for Social Good by McKinsey:

AI for Social Good Guide by Google AI:

AI for Social Good: Unlocking the Opportunity for Positive Impact by Nature:

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Social Good:

Data and AI for Social Impact by IBM:

Sustainable Living and Community Building:

Tools and Resources for Sustainable Communities by the US EPA:

Resources for Creating Healthy, Sustainable, and Equitable Communities by the US EPA:

Living, Regenerative, and Adaptive Buildings by WBDG:

45 Sustainability Resources You Need to Know by Purdue University Global:

Resilience by the U.S. Green Building Council:

These resources span across sustainable living practices, community building techniques, and leveraging AI for societal good, aligning with multidimensional aspirations of everyone interested in a positive contribution. They might provide you with additional knowledge, examples, or networks to further your goals of designing your new visionary career for the future.

AI Opportunities and Risks – Human Future With AI

AI is rapidly advancing, transforming future of work, business environments and human lifestyles. Understanding AI’s trajectory is crucial for adapting to upcoming changes.

The purpose of AI Guides For Our Sustainable Future series is to educate, engage, and empower readers – from students and professionals to business innovators and executives – to actively participate in shaping a future where AI enhances human values like creativity, critical thinking, emotional intelligence and compassion for life.

We will navigate through the uncertainties of an AI-driven era with confidence, as we uncover the potential of AI to revolutionize our world, offering solutions that foster innovation, responsibility, and a harmonious balance with nature.

AI Guides - Art Of Green Path

AI Guides – Art Of Green Path

AI Guides For Our Sustainable Future

AI-Powered Transformation: Shaping a Sustainable AI Future

Harness AI’s transformative power to drive your business and personal growth. Embrace this technology not just for success, but to shape a sustainable, responsible future for all.

AI Essentials: Understanding the BasicsGrasp AI fundamentals to stay ahead in our tech-driven world. It’s essential knowledge that impacts your work, life, and the choices you make.

Navigating Self Improvement with AILeverage AI for personal development. It’s a tool that offers insights and guidance tailored to your life goals and growth plans.

Embracing AI-Powered Careers

Adapt and thrive in an AI-influenced job market. Enhance your skills and explore new career paths opened up by AI advancements.

AI Impact: Driving Business Innovation

Embrace AI to innovate in your business. It’s a powerful tool that transforms industries, enhances productivity, and drives growth.

Generative AI Tools and Chatbots

Utilize AI tools for personal and professional advancement. From enhancing productivity to sparking creativity, AI is your ally in success.

Harmonizing Life with AIActively participate in shaping a future where AI enhances rather than detracts from the human experience. Find ways how to merge AI with human creativity and emotional intelligence for our sustainable future on a healthy planet.

Each guide in this series is a step toward understanding AI’s transformative role in our lives. Whether you are seeking to grow personally, advance professionally, innovate in business, or make ethical decisions, these pages offer the knowledge, tools, and inspiration you need.

Join us on this journey at Art Of Green Path, where we embrace the power of AI to create a future that is sustainable, ethical, and profoundly human. See which of AI Guides can help you the most!

Unless we learn how to use artificial intelligence to advance our creative, business and analytical endeavours, and teach AI our uniquely human values – we humans will soon be inferior, obsolete and endangered species.

Art Of Green Path

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Learn How To Choose Jobs For Your Career Change

Art Of Green Path LIGHT Guides You There Through These 12 Steps

LIGHT by Art Of Green Path

If you want a career change – now you have a chance to try Art Of Green Path LIGHT –  a 12-step interactive challenge that can change your life forever! Bonus: a free ebook!

Are you curious to find your best jobs for your career change?

Art Of Green Path - Career Change - Creative Jobs Of The Future

Creative Ideas On How to Pursue Unconventional Career Or Create Your Perfect Job

Here are 5 strategies for an unconventional career or creating your own job:

1.Identify your unique skills and interests, and think about how you could use them to create a job or career that is different from the norm. For example, consider starting your own landscaping business or offering online gardening classes if you are passionate about gardening. Consider developing a digital product or course if you want to inspire and educate people about a topic where you have expertise.

2.Research different industries and markets to identify opportunities for innovation and growth. Look for gaps in the market or areas where there is high demand but a lack of supply, and think about how you could fill that gap with a new innovative product or service. Think about future trends like AI, automatization, virtual worlds, growth of anxiety and uncertainty, sustainability, renewable energy, healthy lifestyle, and nature protection.

3.Network with other entrepreneurs and creative professionals to learn from their experiences, and see how you can help them or add value to their communities or solutions. That way, you will be recognized and gain valuable insights into different approaches to creating a successful business.

4. Consider starting small, with a part-time or freelance venture, and gradually building your business or career as you gain experience and momentum. Think about combining physical and digital presence, learning and using all digital marketing tools, reflecting on your unique experiences, goals, and green skills, and how you can use them to help someone.

5.Be prepared to take risks and face challenges and setbacks. Starting your own business is a complex and demanding endeavor, but it can give you the creation, freedom and impact you need. Even if unsuccessful, it will provide you with precious and direct experience about who you are, what you want from life, and how to create your true path.

Art Of Green Path is designed from my experiences creating unconventional life and career paths through a transdisciplinary approach that connects personal growth, meaningful career and a sustainable future. 

So I have developed a unique interactive digital experience that motivates and guides people to choose a more creative, purposeful, healthy, and sustainable life and career. 

Immerse yourself into your life journey! Roman

Career reinvention is about embracing change and thriving.

Art Of Green Path

How Can You Inspire Or Teach and Make a Business?

Great teachers could be called guides or challengers as their primary purpose now and in the future is to encourage our desire to learn and explore beyond what is known and well trodden. We can become guides to those around us who feel lost and weak. The process of learning is not reserved for children and academics. We all need to learn and grow to feel good in our lives. Curiosity leads us to new insights and the desire to help others guide us to reinvent ourselves or our careers more than once.

Pat Kay in highly useful video below is showing us what creatives should do to successfully merge art and business together. Pat is award-winning freelance travel photographer and multi-disciplinary artist. He explains in very detail how aspiring full-time creative with no social media following could develop a business through these steps:

1. Getting great at your craft

2. Packaging your craft in a sellable fashion

3. Monetising your craft

4. Getting it in front of people and selling

Through his strategic and practical approach to create value he also covers ideas for product-based and service-based works, and explains differences between these two. You can learn his octopus approach to marketing that can give you exposure to potential clients and customers.

The more streams of income you have – the more potential earning you can make.

Product-based work – Condensing your experience into something someone can buy.Service-based work – Trading your time and expertise for money.

Streams of income that he is using:

Lightroom CoursePhotography Guide to Japan eBookPhotography PrintsLightroom PresetsPhotography Guide to Tokyo eBookYouTube ad revenueWebsite ad revenueAffiliate linksPatreon and YouTube memberships

In order to develop successful business you should use your talents to make something people find useful and valuable and design your unique ways to give them opportunity to buy that from you. It is a process of experimentation and adjustment until you find sweet spot that works for you and your product and services.

Watch his video to get comprehensive overview of opportunities and strategies for your creative work as business. 

Creativity is just connecting things.

Steve Jobs

Awakening Your Creativity Leads You To Your Desired Career

Having clear actions is a crucial step on your path toward work you love.

How To Choose The Right Future For You

Connect Your Creativity With Desired Future

Here are the lists of Future Proof Industries and 10 Creative Fields Of The Future that hold creative jobs of the future. In them, you can recognize values and visions similar to yours to more clearly choose the ones you want to be a part of.

CHALLENGE: Creative Jobs Of The Future

Please read the following visions of likely futures and think about your options and possibilities. Then, recognize where you feel disconnected from yourself, in your future plans, where you would like to change your creative output or work goals and consciously choose something meaningful, worthy and exciting, or simply different and new. So start taking extraordinary steps to be able to move your world.

Future Proof Industries

AI-supported automation of everything

digital transformation of society

emerging mind-blowing technologies

people-machines interaction

big data science

human psychology

people’s challenges because of development

virtual reality universes

web 3.0

internet of things

transdisciplinary science

localisation of production

the future models of learning and teaching

healthcare + AI

services and care for old people

climate change adaptations

sustainable products

healthy and local food

circular economy

renewable energy

regenerative economy

future transport and logistic

new financial models and tools

responsible tourism

This is not the complete list of everything coming as nobody knows what the future will look like exactly. But we can be pretty sure it will be full of new technologies and our clumsy responses to them. It will be easier and more challenging at the same time. Not everything will be positive – on the contrary, many dangerous experiments are coming. People will be tempted to connect directly through different sensors with AI algorithms that will give us more power and prevent limitations, ultimately stealing our freedom. It is a great danger that we will be much more interconnected but more unhappy and unreal at the same time. Massive demand for clean energies and unthinkable climate change adaptations will challenge us like never before. We will strive to stay healthy – artificially or naturally. Struggling not to lose our healthy roots, we will be separated as never before.

Because of all these unpredictable forces, your chosen career will have a powerful impact on yourself and the world. So be wise about what you wish for.

Learn about Your Path Of Invention!

Art Of Green Path - Be Creative

10 Creative Business Ideas In The Future Of Work

Now we will look deeper into which possibilities and dangers hide ten fields where the creative mind could have the most significant impact.

1. Physical and psychological HEALTH

In our age when everything is readily available, like never before, people kill themselves with too much of the wrong food. By rarely using our bodies to move, let alone run, we become fat and chronically ill, with our quality of life plummets. Stressful work where we are just chasing money, feeling empty and exhausted and replaceable, we fight with alcoholic haze, debt shopping and entertainment addictions, falling deeper and deeper into anxiety and depression.

If you can show people the way out of this mess, you will indeed prosper in the future.

Staying healthy as long as possible is a real success.

2. ECOLOGICAL and LOCAL food production

People are not only lost the ability to find, hunt or grow food. We can not even recognize real food anymore because of all the artificial, modified, enhanced and processed things called food that we are surrounded with in supermarkets. Supermarkets are modern temples for people who lost their natural souls, let alone a sense of survival. As a result, we became disconnected from ourselves.

That process of alienating people from food sources has a profound goal of making people more vulnerable and easier to control. Our industrially produced chemically enriched unhealthy food wrapped in toxic plastic needs ecological alternatives. Real food that is grown with love and care for Earth’s ecosystems. Ecological choices preserve biodiversity and protect numerous species, including bees, birds and humans.

If you want to grow healthy food, directly connect local producers with conscious consumers, or show people how they can make wise choices, you will have good karma and make a real difference.

Digging hands into the soil and knowing how seeds transform into plants and produce our own food gives us a powerful sense of connection to Mother Nature.

The ecological choice is healthy for you, people, and the planet.


By 2050 about 68% of the world’s population will live in urban areas. They will need water, food, energy, accommodation, transport, jobs, health, education, communication, entertainment, security and more. And above all that, they will crave a sense of belonging, meaning and fulfilment, and connection to nature. All that, together, requires enormous challenges to provide them sustainably, renewably, locally and ethically.

You can solve many aspects of this very artificial way of living to give people what they really need for a healthy, happy, and creative life and not push them to become invisible numbers in an alienated concrete jungle.

We need cities that locally produce their own energy and food and cyclically reuse all resources for the well-being of all citizens. 

We also need to design a culture of cooperation, collaboration and co-creation so people can feel included, valuable and creative when shaping their livelihoods.

When citizens know their neighbors and co-create together, it will make a huge difference.

4. RENEWABLE energy

Fossil fuels have supported massive industrialization and consumption and still give us a lot of energy needed for our selfish, reckless, destructive way of living. We have become dependent on oil, gas and coal in every aspect of our lives, for industry, electricity, heating, cooling, cars, trucks, plastic, food, fertilizers, computers, internet, games even for making electric cars.

Renewable energy like sun, wind and water is a much better way to go, but only if developed so that every human can use its benefits directly, freely, and fairly, without monopoles and gatekeepers. Unfortunately, despite all hype around it, we are not going there, but maybe you can work on that problem.

Using less energy as the first goal, and then using renewable energy as the second. Find new ways renewables can be a clean energy source in the whole chain, not only for conscious consumers but for producers of raw materials like lithium, copper, and rare earth metals. Solving problems like energy storage, coal power plants for backup, child labor and environmental degradation during mining, and fossil fuel usage for producing electric cars and other ‘green’ technologies is a long list of problems we must face.

Buying an electric car does not solve many problems. It’s a new sexy expensive symbol of vanity made to hide the lies beneath the shiny surface.


AI is already everywhere, mostly in internet applications, like search patterns and movie recommendations, behaviour algorithms, and big data analysis, but also in finance, logistic, medical, tech and creative industries. Humans are currently teaching AI systems to overcome us in every aspect of our lives, including emotions, creativity, subjectivity, and complex and abstract thinking. If that will not be done in an ethically wise and people-beneficial way, there is a real threat that not millions but billions of humans will become obsolete.

AI technology development and awareness of ethical implications must be linked.

6. AUTOMATION everywhere

Cars will drive autonomously, with much fewer accidents and much better efficiency. Drivers will mostly disappear as a professional occupation and private passion. Sales will be made primarily online, so stores and salesmen will disappear too. Even more demanding areas, like medical exams, teaching and legal services, will exist without a natural person. There is a massive danger that people become like robots or avatars, which exist primarily in virtual realities. In such a case, our way of living filled with human interactions will be fundamentally tested and morphed into something else, good or bad, depending on you and your future creations.

Automation of everything will never stop. Still, we must preserve human touch and inspiring feelings in our interactions, so we do not destroy ourselves.

7. Holistic transdisciplinary EDUCATION

As I said, education will become virtual, transforming from offering specialistic knowledge to providing a holistic experience. Those who can grasp and create reality from different perspectives and unite various fields like technology and psychology, innovation and ecology, or AI and ethics will thrive in a world governed by machines but still dependent on people interactions and natural eco-services.

The future is about developing the desire for learning, free exploration and meaningful creation – as opposed to current rigid hierarchical education system.

8. VIRTUAL REALITIES and interactions

As I see it, there will be two worlds, people fully entangled with technology living in virtual worlds and other people living in nature directly with each other. You could choose one or another depending on your choices and life vision. The problem would be if the free option becomes stolen and everybody becomes pushed into the same dystopian reality where the majority become slaves to machines and algorithms. Similar to today’s world of addictive gaming, but maybe a thousand times worse.

Another option is that everybody benefits from virtual realities and interactions in fields like medicine, education, co-creation and innovations. But still be free to live in nature, swim in the ocean, walk in the forest, talk with animals, stare into the sun, and share the beauty of life with other humans.

Do we need sun, rivers, trees and animals more than games, addictions and violence?

9. CLIMATE CHANGE adaptations

Glaciers are melting in front of our eyes, floods and heat waves are happening everywhere, and people are losing homes and lives. Rainforests are being cut on an enormous scale, species are disappearing, biodiversity is lost, and soil and water are becoming toxic. Nature’s ability to absorb all human destruction is collapsing. Cutting CO2 production or replacing fossil fuels will not change the irresponsible irreversible damage we are doing to ecological systems on which we entirely depend.

More than everything else, we have to replace our mad goal of chasing growth and GDP with a more sensible and holistic goal of including costs on nature eco-services and people’s lives when choosing a direction of development. We must move from feeding bad fat selfish capitalism with our lives to caring for our responsible and connected future.

If we don’t protect nature and learn how to keep it alive and thriving for all, we don’t have a chance to survive on this planet.

10. New models of VALUE CREATION

Before it is too late, we have to change the system that produces more inequality and suffering to the system designed to consider all impacts on all actors in the lifecycle of the product or service. For example, choosing to offer only products that provide tangible value for creators, producers, and customers, by protecting natural eco-services during the process. Also, looking for well-being for everybody included, building direct relations between local producers and consumers, where they support each other.

How can we do it? By not going into debt for things we don’t need. By not participating in jobs that destroy and damage people or nature. By buying products with good emotional, ecological, and ethical value. By creating something that is missing in our quest for a better world. By leading by own example.

If you aim to create something of value for you and others by keeping nature healthy and alive, you are on the right path.

All these 10 creative fields of the future hold many jobs needed if we want to do something good not only for ourselves but also for people and nature.

CHALLENGE: Creative Jobs Of The Future

Which of these creative fields do you like? In which of them can you use all your strengths?

Write your list of creative jobs of the future in the order of priority. Then, mark those you like the most, those that will make a successful career change for you, and where you will feel like you are doing something remarkable with your life. 

What can help you to understand and choose the right future for you?

Write your answer Creative Jobs Of The Future in the LIGHT Step 10 – Envision Your Desired Work.

Use it as your personal online diary to plan your desired change.

Use LIGHT for your creative journaling and get a clear picture of your desired career. Its personalization and interactivity will speed up and guide your career discovery journey.

Need Clarity on Your Life and Career Goals? Our Career Reinvention & Coaching service offers you the roadmap to a fulfilling life. It’s more than just career advice; it’s a life-altering journey towards your best self.

Learn More

Envision Your Desired Work (Step 10 from LIGHT)

This is Step 10 of the LIGHT journey – very crucial to choosing the right career for the right future..

Through LIGHT, you learn to see and assess work through 8 dimensions and be able to choose jobs or career paths that suits your values, talents and vision.

These 8 dimensions that describe the depth and quality of creative and meaningful work are:









This is one of the essential Art Of Green Path concepts where we approach life holistically by connecting our life purpose with our impact through work we do, our love with our creations, our health with our wealth. 

In the LIGHT you can experience this Step in more details and do your personal challenges to discover the answers you need – in this case envision your desired work. Learn more how LIGHT can help you find your creative job for your desired future.

All 12 Steps fit together and support each other and serve as a perfect introduction to all FOUR PATHS that guide your complete transformation.

Eight Dimensions Of Extraordinary Work by Art Of Green Path

Use Your Creativity For Something Good

We all have only one opportunity to live. So it is a shame to waste it on jobs we don’t love that contradict our values. Working only for money is wrong and destructive – for your personal growth, your health, your creative potential and, ultimately, your influence on positive development.

Having any job is easy, especially if you ignore or reject the responsibility of your life impact. But choosing work that matters in all eight dimensions is art. The world needs more people who can question the widespread paradigm of powerless living based on unhealthy lifestyles, broken work-life balance and unsustainable overconsumption. A better world needs original and creative humans.

Art Of Green Path inspires and guides people to strive for all Eight Dimensions Of Extraordinary Work.

Is your job a cause or an excuse? How can your job stop being an excuse for your failed life? How can your work become the cause of your fulfilled life? Learn more about yourself, your authentic life path, and intelligent career choices and start the change that matters. 

Learn about Your Path Of Invention!

Which dimension of work is most critical to your positive impact on the world?

Art Of Green Path - Fears Kill Creativity

Who Will Benefit From Disruptions In Many Fields?

Because of the lack of candidates that check all traditional metrics like background, experience and education, new methods shall be developed and used by HR recruiters.

While screening and selecting candidates, a new approach of broadening the candidate base and then focusing on the right ones through several complementary tools to include both skills and capacity for learning metrics would help find and attract the right people.

In our age of enormous technological disruption mixed with high uncertainty and stress, new creative jobs that require both digital competence and psychological understanding will seek innovative people, highly flexible with diverse and broad areas of experience. 

It makes sense that a more daring approach not based on subjective biases will help recognize hidden talents from not-so-obvious and interdisciplinary cross sections.

Another big hot challenge is finding highly motivated people, often individualistic and eccentric, who can take on new challenges while simultaneously being willing to become part of new emerging company culture based on co-creation and collaboration. 

Companies willing to deal with unknowns in hiring and retaining key people will have a massive advantage in transforming everything.

Unlock your full potential with career coaching.

Embrace change, embrace your dream career.

Art Of Green Path

What Are Green Skills?

Simply put, green skills are the knowledge, abilities, values and attitudes needed to live in, develop and support a sustainable and resource-efficient society

The need to transition towards more environmentally sustainable modes of production and consumption has become imperative, for developed as well as for developing countries.

People with those skills will shape a sustainable future. The future where renewable energy, circular economy, waste reuse, biodiversity protection and many other transformations bring a much-needed opposite to the current world of selfishness, destruction, overconsumption and wastefulness.

We need new forces of empathy and co-creation to shape our green cities and protect our planet so that we can all thrive through their healthy functions.

Each of us has the opportunity and responsibility to use full creativity and ingenuity to develop alternative sustainable lifestyles and green jobs together with like-minded co-creators.

LinkedIn Global Green Skills Report

source for data and images: LinkedIn Global Green Skills Report 2022

This comprehensive LinkedIn Global Green Skills Report 2022 shows the future of green work and helps you to recognize your new desired role you didn’t know existed.

You can learn about green skills, green jobs and green talent and be surprised by the demand for them.

It’s a good version of the future that could happen if enough people use their creative talent for green causes while many more people move away from unsustainable consumption.

Each of us has a choice: choose a green path and do something remarkable with our own life for our planet, people, biodiversity, and shared healthy future. Or blindly continue ignorance and destruction.

Humans are made through tough past challenges to show ingenuity and creativity when needed. And the time is now!

Be part of the green transition! Download the report to learn about green skills and jobs.

Reimagine the future of work by reimagining yourself. Art Of Green Path guides your personal and professional transformation. Learn about the LIGHT and FOUR PATHS and how they can help you develop your desired career or change the wrong job.

Green Skills On The Rise

Green skills are those that enable the environmental sustainability of economic activities.

Many green skills are on the rise and are among some of the fastest growing skills in the economy. Sustainable Fashion, Environmental Services, and Sustainable Growth have all grown by more than 60% over the past 5 years.

But most jobs requiring green skills are not “traditional” green jobs. Beyond solar panel installers and electric car manufacturers, green skills are increasingly required in sustainable fashion, fleet management, and sales. To make the green transition, we need to increase both the number of jobs that use green skills and the extent to which those jobs leverage green skills. Green-skilling is needed to fuel greener jobs.

Green Skills required in traditionally non-green jobs

  Green Skills   are often required in traditionally non-green jobs:

  Climate Change  MeteorologistAgriculture SpecialistPolicy AdvisorMarine BiologistAgriculture Specialist

  Sustainable Design  Architectural ManagerLandscape ArchitectDirector Of Interior DesignUrban PlannerConstruction Administrator

  Renewable Energy  Business EngineerProject Finance AnalystDistribution EngineerLand Acquisition ManagerProject Sales Engineer

  Energy Efficiency  Plumbing EngineerUtilities ManagerProject Sales EngineerVice President FacilitiesHeating And Air Conditioning Engineer

  Agronomy  Sales Operations AssistantCommercial Technical AdvisorEntomologistWinemakerTechnical Sales Representative

  Energy Efficiency  Plumbing EngineerUtilities ManagerProject Sales EngineerVice President FacilitiesHeating And Air Conditioning Engineer

  Erosion Control  Director Of Public WorksConstruction InspectorSurvey Project ManagerCivil DesignerTransportation Engineer

  Environmental Awareness  Park ManagerSafety AssistantGeographic Information System OfficerGeographerArchaeologist

  Erosion Control  Director Of Public WorksConstruction InspectorSurvey Project ManagerCivil DesignerTransportation Engineer

The Shades of Green Jobs

An Action Plan for Climate Change - LinkedIn’s Global Green Skills Report

GreenEg: solar technicianGreen jobs are ones that cannot be performed without extensive knowledge of green skills.

An Action Plan for Climate Change - LinkedIn’s Global Green Skills Report

GreeningEg: civil engineerGreening jobs are ones that could be performed without green skills, but typically require at least several green skills.

An Action Plan for Climate Change - LinkedIn’s Global Green Skills Report

Greening PotentialEg: data analystGreening potential jobs are ones that could be performed without green skills, but typically requires at least one green skill.

An Action Plan for Climate Change - LinkedIn’s Global Green Skills Report

Not GreenEg: nurseNon-green jobs currently don’t require any green skills.

In the interactive version called An Action Plan for Climate Change of LinkedIn Global Green Skills Report 2022 you can find visualisations, data and predictions on topics such as:

I highly recommend both versions of the LinkedIn Global Green Skills Report 2022 – the full report and interactive data for anybody looking at how to actively contribute more to the green future of our world.

Global Green Skills Report 2022 by LinkedIn

Global Green Skills Report 2022

source for data and images: LinkedIn Global Green Skills Report 2022

Personalized Consulting & Coaching Services

click on each icon or name to find out more

Idea Incubator & Strategy Alignment

Strategic Business Development

Generative AI for Business

AI-Powered Digital Marketing

Career Reinvention & Coaching

Sustainability and Impact Transformation

Impact Leadership

Custom Transformations

Explore a world of transformative solutions with Art Of Green Path’s range of services. Whether it’s refining your business strategy, unlocking the potential of AI, or embarking on a career reinvention, we’re here to guide you. Reach out and let’s start crafting your sustainable, impactful future together.

About Other Steps In Your Plan

Your career change plan includes six steps. The first step is to find your reasons for a career change. The second is to find yourself on the map of basic career change options. The next step is finding what you want to do with your life and how your new career (or new job) can help you on your life journey. This aspect is covered in mentioned goals for career development. Indeed, there are many more goals than getting more money. The fourth step is about thinking about your strategy of change by choosing the right way for you. After all these, you can start thinking more about particular industries and jobs that suit your desires and needs. Insight into jobs that will have great demand in the most likely future is covered in the fifth step or creative jobs of the future. The sixth step will round up your way of thinking and planning through all previous steps.

Only when you understand yourself can you plan your new career.

Summary Of Your Career Discovery Guide

Art Of Green Path - Career Change - Ideas For Career Change

1. Find Your Reasons For A Career Change

2. Understand Your Fundamental Career Change Options

Art Of Green Path - Career Change - Goals For Career Development

3. Understand Your Goals For Career Development

Art Of Green Path - Career Change - How To Choose A Career

4. Find Your Ways For Career Change

Art Of Green Path - Career Change - Creative Jobs Of The Future

5. Find An Industry Or Field Where You Want To Develop Further


6. Align All These Together

It is expected to have more rounds of all these steps until you reach clarity about your desired career.

If you want to speed up this career discovery process by increasing your clarity, motivation and focus, there is the Art Of Green Path LIGHT.

The LIGHT is a unique 12-step system, interactive journaling tool and your creative guide for designing your desired career. Use it to better plan your career change.

Create Your Art Of Life

Your transformation is your art.

Whatever you do and wherever you go – you are triggering a new world in you and a world around you through your choices.

There are four healthy perspectives of your conscious choices:

Healthy for you

Healthy for people

Healthy for life

Healthy for nature

Your Art Of Life is to grow in all four perspectives simultaneously. Your healthy future depends on this awareness and related actions. Recognize your life opportunities and create your best career and life choices. Join the Art Of Green Path EXPERIENCE – an interactive premium program for complete personal and professional transformation toward your desired and healthy future.

You can focus on one of Four Paths depending on where you are with your life:

Path Of AwarenessPath Of ExplorationPath Of InventionPath Of Fulfillment

All Four Paths are closely interlinked to encourage creative actions toward your desired future. Together they guide you to create Your Art Of Life

Art Of Green Path - Create Your Art Of Life

Leadership is the art of turning vision into reality.

Art Of Green Path

12 Quotes About Creativity

1. “Creativity takes courage.” – Henri Matisse

2. “Mystery is at the heart of creativity. That, and surprise.” – Julia Cameron.

3. “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” – Steve Jobs

4. “Art begins in imitation and ends in innovation.” – Mason Cooley

5. “Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.” – Scott Adams

6. “The visionary starts with a clean sheet of paper, and re-imagines the world.” – Malcolm Gladwell

7. “Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected.” – William Plomer

8. “Vision is the true creative rhythm.” – Robert Delaunay ·

9. “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” – Albert Einstein

10. “Vision is the true creative rhythm.” – Robert Delaunay

11. “Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

12. “A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.” – Ayn Rand

This is our selection from 76 Great Creativity Quotes to Inspire You at Work where you can find quotes about creativity and hard work, about innovation, creativity and vision quotes, imagination and business quotes.

Creativity is not just for the creative professions. Every field can benefit from imagination and innovation.

Creative Jobs Of The Future - Art Of Green Path

Creative Jobs Of The Future – Art Of Green Path

How Do You Feel?How Do You Want To Feel?

Depressed and Manipulated OR Happy and Authentic?

Sick and Ignorant OR Healthy and Inspired?

Destructive and Selfish OR Creative and Generous?

Trapped and Disconnected OR Free and Connected?

Art Of Green Path - How Do You Feel?

In our age of rat-race, money obsession and debt culture, many people are anxious and hungry for resonating answers to life-changing questions: How to be creative and free? How to find work you love? What are jobs for creative people? For sure, there is nothing more valuable than to do something good as you feel good.

Art Of Green Path LIGHT leads people on a journey of creation that involves unconventional questions, strong motivation and creative focus on their path to find a meaningful career they love – the life where they fulfil their creative potential.

Art Of Green Path - Your Life Creativity in 4 Questions

10 Reasons Why Sustainability Is The Key To Our Ecological Economic And Social Change Towards A Healthy Future And Protected Nature

1. Sustainability is the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. All these should be done by keeping ecological systems healthy, preserving natural resources and protecting biodiversity.

2. It involves creating new economic, social, and environmental conditions that promote long-term well-being, the value of natural systems, personal and social responsibility and a healthy lifestyle.

3. Sustainability is a multifaceted concept that applies to various aspects of our lives, including how we use natural resources, produce and consume goods and services, utilize renewable energy, and degrade or protect the environment.

4. Many green jobs will be created to achieve sustainability, develop green products and fix environmental damage. It is worth developing green skills and thinking about a career transition that directly supports a sustainable future.

5. Sustainability is often associated with the “triple bottom line,” which refers to the idea that economic, social, and environmental considerations should be balanced in decision-making. Adopting sustainable practices will help protect the environment, preserve natural resources, and reduce the negative impacts of human activity on the planet.

6. The concept of sustainability is closely linked to issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, resource depletion, social equity and regeneration.

7. There are many ways to contribute to sustainability, such as reducing waste and pollution, conserving energy, lowering consumption, using eco-friendly products, developing a circular economy, and empowering communities to produce food and energy locally.

8. Governments, businesses, and individuals all have a role to play in promoting sustainability and creating a sustainable future. You can easily find your place in it and make a positive contribution!

9. Sustainability goals call for urgent and decisive acting aligned with already available scientific findings regarding our negative impact on climate, biosphere, wildlife, soil, water, air, food availability, oceans, rivers, forests and all ecosystems. Solutions are already known and available, yet we need commitment and action (not excuses and greenwashing) on the individual, local, regional, state and global levels.

10. Sustainability is essential to preserving healthy nature, stopping the destruction of ecosystems and biodiversity, and developing a green circular economy with responsible and ethical decision-making. It is critical to ensure a healthy and prosperous future for all.

Join the movement for a sustainable, regenerative future.

Art Of Green Path

Why Is AI So Dangerous For Human Future And What We Can Do About It

Mo Gawdat is the former Chief Business Officer of Google [X]; host of the popular podcast, Slo Mo: A Podcast with Mo Gawdat; author of the international bestselling books Solve for Happy; Scary Smart; and That Little Voice in Your Head; founder of One Billion Happy; and Chief AI Officer of Flight Story. 

After a 30 year career in tech and serving as Chief Business Officer at Google [X], Google’s ‘moonshot factory’ of innovation, Mo has made happiness his primary topic of research, diving deeply into literature and conversing on the topic with some of the wisest people in the world. In recent years, he has focused on the dangerous implications of rapid AI development.

I find his insights to be profound and very relevant in our time when technological AI development is already surpassing many human abilities. But in this very worrying development, where malicious actors can exploit many vulnerabilities for bad cause, or when AI itself is on the verge of becoming completely independent of human control, he still offers hope that people still have unique abilities like connection, happiness, compassion and love, and that we can teach AI to help us maintain these qualities in the future.

I highly recommend investing 90 minutes in his talk below as you will gain many understandings of our current situation, be inspired and motivated to do something about it, and gain more clarity on what is the future where we are blindly headed and how we can shape it into a positive sustainable future where people and AI together protect all life.

How We Should Use AI To Help Us Create A Positive Future

Guided by visionary thinker like Mo Gawdat I am really thinking the key of our AI future is to help AI to learn more about positive human qualities, like compassion, happiness and love. And use AI to help us make products and services that will benefits people, organisations and our sustainable AI-driven future on Earth

It’s a fascinating and noble endeavor to explore how AI can be utilized to learn, understand, and promote positive human qualities, and also to create products and services that benefit individuals, organizations, and our planet. Here are several avenues and considerations you might explore:

1. AI for Emotional Understanding and Well-being:

2. AI for Ethical and Sustainable Decision-Making:

3. AI for Education and Awareness:

4. AI for Inclusive and Compassionate Products:

5. AI for Research and Development:

6. Feedback and Continuous Improvement:

7. Policy Advocacy and Partnerships:

8. Public Awareness Campaigns:

9. AI Ethics Committees:

10. Future Scenarios Exploration:

These avenues entail multidisciplinary collaboration and a deep understanding of both technological and human-centric domains. By engaging in these areas, you can contribute to the evolving landscape of AI, ensuring it aligns with human values and promotes a sustainable and compassionate future.

Learn how to contribute to a meaningful, compassionate and visionary AI future.

Art Of Green Path

Career Change

Your essential steps to use your creative potential.

Ideas For Career Change

Goals For Career Development

How To Choose A Career

Creative Jobs Of The Future

Career change is a self discovery that happens through these 3 sources:

Unconventional Questions

People stop being playful. Learn how to ask and answer unusual questions to develop your experimental and inventive nature.

Strong Motivation

The system needs robots, but you want to follow your heart. Learn to grow with authentic motivation in the direction you choose.

Creative Focus

Our lives are full of delusions and copying others. Practice being creative and design your new career by actively working on your vision.

Choose LIGHT for more inspiration, guidance and structure! I have designed it to help you find the right questions, develop the right motivation and achieve the right focus.

What career do you want?

How to achieve a work life balance?

What can be your future creations?

How to design your perfect career?

Answers to these essential questions are making our life meaningful and extraordinary or delusive and destructive. Many are choosing imitation of life. Being overwhelmed, not dare to stand out. Modern slaves by choice. So they stay stuck in a fog of copying and dissatisfaction.

Instead of feeling stuck and stressed, you can feel creative and confident. Only by engaging your full life potential into a smart career change can you reach a work-life balance. Creating something beautiful, useful, and positive feeds your meaningful challenges. Your career change is evolving along with you.

Life as creation is a transformative journey for all unsatisfied souls.

Inspiration and Guidance.

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Path Of Invention

Art Of Green Path - Path Of Invention - Create Work You Love

Path Of Invention is the third path of the ART OF GREEN PATH. It is the interactive 7-module flow of insights and exercises to inspire your superpowers to quit your miserable career, boost your creativity, and create the work you love.

As your personal journey of unconventional creations and smart career change, it will challenge your preconceptions, grow your new confidence and trigger your sense of impact.

The Art Of Green Path Concept

The ART OF GREEN PATH guides your transformative journey through four paths:

Art Of Green Path - Path Of Awareness - Discover Your Authentic Happiness

Path Of Awareness

Discover Your Authentic Happiness

Art Of Green Path - Path Of Exploration - Experience Your Aliveness

Path Of Exploration

Experience Your Aliveness

Art Of Green Path - Path Of Invention - Create Work You Love

Path Of Invention

Create Work You Love

Art Of Green Path - Path Of Fulfillment - Reinvent Your Life

Path Of Fulfillment

Reinvent Your Life

Art Of Green Path - Career Change - Ideas For Career ChangeArt Of Green Path - Career Change - Goals For Career DevelopmentArt Of Green Path - Career Change - How To Choose A CareerArt Of Green Path - Career Change - Creative Jobs Of The Future

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If you want to understand yourself and your creative future, now you have special opportunity to buy your personal transformative program Art Of Green Path LIGHT

You will also receive a free ebook ‘LIGHT – 12 Steps To Change Your Life’ to help you decipher your desired life.

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Design Your Career Change Through The Art Of Green Path

I believe that LIGHT can help you you understand your desired career. Feel that NOW is the right moment to dive deeper into your creativity and envision your new career. LIGHT is designed to help you build your creative momentum of change, clear and write your best thoughts, and visualise your desired unconventional life, all in 12 interactive Steps. LIGHT is your personalised tool for active self-development. Learn more here.

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