Do you know where you are going and why?


Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Your interactive clarity tool to inspire and guide your desired life.

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

  • a unique 12-step system for your career and life change
  • your interactive creative journaling to speed up your personal growth
  • a set of motivational guides and challenges to get you into action


Art Of Green Path LIGHT is right fit for you if you wish to:


understand and feel your life potential


figure out what is stopping you from loving yourself


get clarity about your smart and healthy and adventurous choices


unlock your power to change your life and career


grow your creative motivation as you grow


design your life purpose


LIGHT Is Unique

It gives you experience of transformation you need.

The LIGHT is quite different from all other forms of learning. It is not the course where you passively consume content without any creation or tangible progress. It is not a false promise where everything magically happens with almost no effort. Instead, it is focused on you, your needs and your active participation so that you come up with your original answers and clever plan for your life change. LIGHT connects your emotions with reasoning and transforms your dreams into tangible goals, equipping you with healthy and creative energy to become what you want.

What You Will Get


A Transformative 12-Step System

12 interconnected Steps to ignite your desired career and life change.


Your Interactive Creative Journal

A unique online private place to structure, refine and focus your thoughts and plans.


Set Of Motivational Guides And Challenges

Insights and examples to unlock your potential and move you where you want to go.


A Transformative 12-Step System

It is designed to inspire your desired career and life change.

All 12 Steps are combined to ignite your deep thoughts and life plans, so you start reflecting and creating your own path.

LIGHT is a way of searching on a personal, introspective, human level, with layers of questioning and exploring designed to trigger the evolution of thinking and better personal life choices. It helps you collect your fragments of life and put them together to form the whole, coherent story, inspiring journey, imaginative adventure, actionable plan of your life change.

LIGHT by Art Of Green Path

Your Interactive Creative Journal

Made so that you write down your clear plans for the future.

Through an interconnected journey in the form of interactive personal diary with smart questions and your structured answers, you go through the process of discovering your real needs and better life choices.

LIGHT is the perfect excuse to have time for yourself when you listen to what your soul is whispering and what your heart is singing. It is the map where you plan future adventures, the tool that helps you decipher your dreams and make them tangible and real. LIGHT is the future that you design through discovered strengths and big goals. It is your desired career, healthy lifestyle or meaningful life – or all these together as everything is interrelated and supports each other.

Set Of Motivational Guides And Challenges

You will learn to feel motivated and action-oriented.

Finding the right kind of motivation is crucial to being able to see your new life opportunities and start becoming who you want to be without giving up.

12 LIGHT Steps (with its guides and challenges) go from very personal over exploratory and creative to those that connect everything in the whole. Different people will find specific value in each of them, getting new inspiration and motivation, or maybe being surprised and provoked on action. But all 12 together give your precious big picture reflected through your personal goals. It is like a mosaic – you need to find all the right pieces to complete the whole picture. All these steps provoke, challenge and teach you to create your own life vision.

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

What You Will Learn From Each Of 12 Steps

Together, they cover vital aspects of life improvement.

Each Step is made of questions, quizzes, examples and guided exercises. You will understand your best possibilities and options through different perspectives AND keep track of your personal goals. As a result, you will learn to introspect yourself, feel motivated, and become creative and action-oriented.

The goal of each Step is that you reach your original motivational idea crafted and written by you. As you progress through all 12 Steps, you will have your 12 interconnected personal pictures of your desired life and your actions to make it real.

As a final result, you will be able to describe who you are, what you want and why, feel your authentic motivation, and have your own creative plan to change your life.

Step 1

Your Current Reality

Step 2

How You Feel

Step 3

How You Want To Feel

Step 4

Your Motivation For Change

Step 5

Big Picture

Step 6

Reflect The Beauty Of Nature In You

Step 7

Find People Who Inspire You

Step 8

Explore Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Step 9

Your Creative Experiments

Step 10

Envision Your Desired Work

Step 11

Plan Your Adventure

Step 12

Envision Your Desired Life

Envision Your Desired Work

The Step 10 of the LIGHT journey

Through LIGHT, you learn to see and assess work through 8 dimensions and be able to choose jobs or career paths that suits your values, talents and vision.

These 8 dimensions that describe the depth and quality of creative and meaningful work are:









This is one of the essential Art Of Green Path concepts where we approach life holistically by connecting our life purpose with our impact through work we do, our love with our creations, our health with our wealth. 

In the LIGHT you can experience this Step in more details and do your personal challenges to discover the answers you need – in this case envision your desired work.

All 12 Steps fit together and support each other and serve as a perfect introduction to all FOUR PATHS that guide your complete transformation.

Eight Dimensions Of Extraordinary Work by Art Of Green Path

My Dangerous Mistakes

I discovered that following common or expected patterns in life was undeniably the #1 factor holding me back from reaching my full potential in life. IT WAS WRONG FOR ME whenever I took something mainly due to my surroundings, as a reaction, not because of my authentic needs. Trying to be different but fitting in, going to the wrong university because of my father, being extraordinary and ordinary at the same time, looking for meaning in the job opposite to my values and passion, hanging with people who don’t inspire me, living city life by dreaming about nature. Nothing was the right choice for me. Too many contradictions were tearing me apart. Being in the wrong environment definitely slowed down my personal growth.

But all that also influenced my determination to do some action about it. Finally, after many years of learning, experimenting and experiencing different life, I found out who I am and what I want from life. My life as art started becoming make sense to others as well. So ultimately, I became the director of my life.

What I Have Learned

It was a slow process because I lacked the right guide to show me different options in life with all their consequences on my thoughts, energy, lifestyle, creativity and future. Revealing many hidden dangers and traps meant to suck your life energy, kill the curiosity, and replace them with fear and compliance. For example, how too many years on the wrong job and a consumption-oriented lifestyle leading to high debt could quickly push you beyond the point of no return. Your dreams can die forever as you become a prisoner and sheep without a vision for anything else. Luckily I never gave up on searching for my adventure and my purpose. I never became a lifeless copy. Actually, the total opposite happened.

I think that too many people follow the same pattern ending lost in miserable destructive lives without purpose, manipulated by outside forces like leaves in the river. Incapable of seeing all other options, let alone finding enough motivation to do something creative and daring about them.

This Is No Coincidence

For all these years, whenever I looked, I couldn’t find a resource for an extraordinary life journey that unites all angles and wisdom that people looking to reinvent their lives need. Something that inspires you to be yourself by pulling you out of your comfort zone and provoking your active creation. That is what I did with my life, and that is why I wanted to create Art Of Green Path. To help people like you, who don’t want to fit in depressing society, waste your life on things you don’t care about, who want to become creative, responsible and free. To inspire you to become who you want to be – in your choices, lifestyle, career, relationship, and ultimately your only life.

You are here, reading my thoughts, relating to your struggles, feeling similarities, sensing solutions – this is no coincidence.

Why I Made The Art Of Green Path

The essence of the Art Of Green Path is to be an outstanding experience that really helps people. The resource that inspires motivates and makes people adventurous to dare and create something remarkable with their lives. 

In our time of distractions and destruction, when many people are too passive and too ignorant, precious are those who want to be different. I want to help you create the life you love, the life that makes a better world for everyone. 

Join me on this mission!

Start your extraordinary life journey!

Romanfounder & creator Art Of Green Path


Like Climbing The Mountain

Changing your life or your career is a challenging endeavour.

Art Of Green Path prepares you, trains you and guides you to imagine and climb your own mountain.

From getting to know yourself (your skills, abilities and desires), choosing your mountain, training for the experience, planning your way up, moving anchor points, and keeping your motivation and spirit high through all difficult times.

Overcome all challenges (such as doubt, fear, fatigue, traps, loss), persevere physically, mentally, creatively, and wisely all the way up to your life goals.

Do all this in harmony with nature and your inner life compass.

What Can I Do With My Life?

How can I figure out what would be best for me? How can I make it possible?

We often ask ourselves these questions, especially when we feel in an unwanted unfulfilled life for too long or when we can not find any solution to our struggles.

However, bringing thoughts and ideas in a structured and creative way is always a good starting point for finding a way out. LIGHT as a unique interactive personal diary is made to discover your true life potential, by asking difficult questions and guiding your authentic answers.

If you have not done so yet, now is your chance to do this introductory quiz that will show you your way.

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Art Of Green Path EXPERIENCE

LIGHT is the perfect introduction to all four PATHS.

Art Of Green Path EXPERIENCE includes all FOUR PATHS. That means full dedication for transformative experience in whole life spectrum, interactive personal journal plus a lot of coaching. PATHS are structured yet flexible frameworks for your creative motivation and active approach to career and life change. The Art Of Green Path LIGHT is the perfect introduction to the Art Of Green Path EXPERIENCE.

Art Of Green Path EXPERIENCE is a fusion of inspiration, motivation, creation and transformation. Imagine a series of 100+ guides and challenges plus a coaching program that are designed together as a visionary ecosystem for your personal growth. The whole journey lasts about three months for each of four PATH, comparing to about one month for LIGHT.

LIGHT also guides your authentic journey, just on much smaller scale than EXPERIENCE.

Discover Your Authentic Happiness

Path Of Awareness

Discover Your Authentic Happiness

Experience Your Aliveness

Path Of Exploration

Experience Your Aliveness

Create Work You Love

Path Of Invention

Create Work You Love

Reinvent Your Life

Path Of Fulfillment

Reinvent Your Life


Art Of Green Path LIGHT is the first trigger of your growth; with content picked from all FOUR PATHS, it serves as the introduction into the powerful reinvention of your life and career. All four PATHS encompass the entire Art Of Green Path concept and offer a transformative journey for playful dedicated creative daring people.

If you are not yet ready to immerse yourself in the whole life transformation that Art Of Green Path EXPERIENCE offers, LIGHT is your smart move. LIGHT is possible to fit into all types of busy or distracted life.

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

The Path To Your Different Life

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

  • a unique 12-step system for your career and life change
  • your interactive creative journaling to speed up your personal growth
  • a set of motivational guides and challenges to get you into action

When you choose Art Of Green Path LIGHT, you get instant access to your personal interactive protected website where you can achieve and track your progress.

Bonus: ebook ‘LIGHT – 12 Steps To Change Your Life’ to help you decipher your desired life.


Roman Kos

Art Of Green Path

founder & creator


I love people. I love nature. I love extraordinary, creative and daring life. As a grateful human, world explorer, effective altruist, and lifelong learner, I am continuously exploring better ways to increase my positive social and ecological impact by being directly involved in the most pressing world problems through my conscious career and lifestyle choices.

My mission is to empower people to create the life they love that is also good for others. I help them understand their authentic green path, develop a healthy, adventurous sustainable lifestyle and choose meaningful visionary work. Together we must care more for the planet, be more playful and loving and do more positive, impactful actions that help all people, regenerate nature, and enrich and protect life for future generations.

I love to go where I have never gone before. I love steep climbs, sea reflections and life-changing experiences. I want to be part of a thriving community of people doing good. My life is a unique adventure with a purpose.

Join me here on this extraordinary journey!Roman

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of LIGHT?

That you understand yourself, your needs, your goals and your purpose. So you can see how to bring them together by choosing a healthy lifestyle, using your creativity, and planning your different career or extraordinary life.

How long does the LIGHT challenge take?

The whole challenge lasts about 24 days, with 2 days between the Steps. Of course, depending on each person’s focus and commitment.

What does Art Of Green Path mean?

Art embodies your creation and the inspiration of others. Green symbolises both your new start and a connection to nature.Path illustrates your authentic purpose.Together they mean – Dare to create something extraordinary and good.

Why is the Art Of Green Path created?

Because I wanted to help and inspire people to become happier and more creative in life. I also wanted to give them what they really need when looking for their unique purpose.

There is insufficient guidance for curious, unconventional, creative people’s journeys, including personal growth and care for nature.

Because no one else would. I could unite many different perspectives into a unique and valuable vision through my analytical and creative abilities, values, and experiences. My love for life has been higher than the fear of failure.

Our chaotic unsustainable world needs massive change toward a healthy lifestyle and more conscious living connected to nature, and such change begins within each of us.

I wanted to create something for all past, present and future artists of life.

What is the difference between LIGHT and EXPERIENCE?

Art Of Green Path LIGHT is a 12-step challenge to ignite your life change. It consists of a limited selection of Guides from all four Paths, so it is a perfect introduction to the EXPERIENCE and FOUR PATHS.

Art Of Green Path EXPERIENCE is a premium transformative journey, through four interconnected Paths. Each Path is spanning through 7 Modules and holds many Guides and Challenges. The EXPERIENCE is an interactive curated fully supported journey toward specific ultimate Goals, covering many important aspects of creation, career and life. 

For whom is the Art Of Green Path not designed?

Art Of Green Path is not for people who want to be like everybody else. For those who want to be ignorant and passive. For those who want to be selfish and destructive. For those who want to manipulate or be manipulated. For those who don’t want to develop their creativity and create something meaningful. For those who don’t want to develop their emotional intelligence and give love. For those who don’t care about other people and don’t care about nature. It is definitely not for people who are not curious about life as an adventure and who are not passionate about finding their purpose.

What is the ultimate goal of the Art Of Green Path?

That you dare to create the life you love, the extraordinary life good for everyone, for nature and for the future. So that many people connect together through their virtuous life pursuits, willing to build a better world.

What is the Art Of Green Path concept of transformation?

When we want to change something in a meaningful way, we need to transform our energies and our actions from passive to an active choice, from closed to open outlook, from selfish to interconnected behaviors.

In a nutshell – we discover and feel our inside world first. Then we explore and understand the outside world. After that, we change and create our new world. Finally, we influence and co-create a better world.

In that sense, there are 4 essential levels of personal transformation:introspect yourself – understand and feel what you want and what you needgrow yourself – become able to achieve what you want transform your life – change your wrong choices and become who you want to betransform other lives – multiply your positive impact by empowering other people’s actions

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