Custom Transformations Service

> Use fully customized service tailored to your needs, goals, and timeline 

Discovering Your Authentic Path

From Idea To Action – For Individuals and Companies

Life is a rich tapestry of experiences, an evolving journey where we uncover our true needs, values, and the profound interconnections we share with others. At Art of Green Path, we honor this voyage of discovery and growth through our Custom Transformations service, creating a nurturing space for you to channel your creativity, build meaningful connections, and shape a purpose that resonates with the essence of genuine happiness.

Embark on a transformative journey from places, jobs, and relationships that no longer serve your true essence, towards environments that echo with a sense of belonging, meaningful engagements, and relationships that nourish your soul.

Navigating the kaleidoscope of choices, emotions, and motivations on this transformative journey can be a mixed bag of challenges and triumphs. Yet, the rewards are profound as you metamorphose into a version of yourself that’s more aligned with your authentic core and the positive impact you yearn to create.

Custom Transformations Service - Art Of Green Path

Custom Transformations Service – Art Of Green Path

Custom Transformations: Tailored Journeys to Your Ideal Future

At Art Of Green Path, we understand that one size does not fit all when it comes to transformation. That’s why we offer Custom Transformations, where we embark on a unique journey tailored to your specific needs and aspirations. Whether you’re an individual seeking profound life changes or a company striving for business transformation, our personalized approach ensures you reach your ideal future.

Part 1: Custom Life Transformation Journey for Individuals

Are you feeling stuck, longing for change, or seeking a deeper sense of purpose? Our Custom Life Transformation Journey is designed to guide you through personal growth, self-discovery, and the creation of a life you truly love. Together, we’ll explore your aspirations, values, and dreams, crafting a path that aligns with your unique essence. This journey is about unveiling your potential, nurturing your well-being, and embracing a life filled with meaning and connection.

Part 2: Custom Business Transformation for Companies

Is your company facing challenges, seeking growth, or aiming to make a positive impact in your industry? Our Custom Business Transformation services are tailored to the specific needs of your organization. We work closely with your team to identify opportunities for growth, innovation, and sustainability. Through strategic planning, sustainable practices, and AI-driven insights, we help your company adapt, thrive, and shape a future that aligns with your vision.

A Personalized Approach to Change

Our dedication to customization sets us apart. We recognize that each individual and company is unique, with distinct goals and challenges. Our commitment is to offer a flexible, tailored approach that adapts to your needs, whether you’re seeking personal growth or organizational transformation.

The Journey to Your Ideal Future Starts Here

Ready to embark on a transformation journey that aligns with your values, aspirations, and goals? At Art Of Green Path, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Join us on a path of discovery, growth, and positive impact. Let’s create the future you’ve always envisioned—tailored just for you.

Custom Life Transformation Journey for Individuals

Target Audience: Professionals, Creators, Entrepreneurs, Life Explorers

Key Values: Purpose, Impact, Personal Growth, Relationships, AI Future

Custom Business Transformation for Companies

Target Audience: Executives, Managers, Founders and Startups, Small Businesses 

Key Values: Leadership, Impact, Growth, Sustainability, AI Future

Custom Life Transformation Journey for Individuals

Unlock Your Personal Synergy

Intro:Why settle for predefined paths when you can mix, match, and create your own journey? Your life is unique; your transformation journey should be too. Unlock your synergy by selecting from an assortment of our powerful modules, tailored to fit your needs, goals, and timeline.

Challenge:Life is complex, and you may find yourself pulled in many directions. Balancing work, relationships, self-care, and a sense of purpose can be overwhelming.

Promise:Customize your own program from a curated selection of modules focusing on purpose, career, relationships, sustainability, health, creativity, and more. You set the pace, the goals, and the depth of engagement.

Transformation:Navigate your own path with our AI-powered recommendations, content, and coaching. See your life evolve as you pick and choose modules that serve you best.

Why:Because no one knows you better than you do. And now, you have a helping hand to guide you through this unique journey.

Types of Engagement:

1. Introductory Kit: A set of inspirational and reflective exercises to help you discover what you truly need.

2. Custom Coaching Calls: Weekly or monthly 1:1 coaching sessions for ongoing support and insights.

3. Self-Paced Modules: Access a suite of modules and integrate them into your life as you see fit.

4. Deep Dive: A 3-month intensive tailored to address a major life transition or challenge.

Personalized Prices: Per sessionPer outcomePer project

Next Steps:Schedule a free assessment consultation.Receive a tailored proposal based on your needs, goals and timeline.

Take the First Step: Tell Us About Your Journey!Let’s create something meaningful and sustainable together!

Custom Business Transformation for Companies

Create A Visionary Future

Intro:Your business is not a template; neither should be its growth plan. Tailor your company’s transformation journey with selected modules covering business strategy, impact, AI opportunities, process optimization, digital marketing, sustainability, and team building.

Challenge:Running a business in today’s fast-paced world means constant evolution. How do you make strategic choices that serve your objectives, keep your team motivated, and also take into account societal and environmental impact?

Promise:Build your program from a pool of expert-driven modules, customizable to your organization’s needs and timelines. Make intelligent decisions using data analytics and AI-guided insights.

Transformation:Go from scattered tactics to a cohesive strategy. Mix and match modules that fit your company’s unique challenges and ambitions.

Why:Because the business landscape is ever-changing and you need a program as agile as you are.

Types of Engagement:

1. Business Insight Checklist: A starter kit that helps you identify what areas need immediate attention.

2. Consultation Packages: Choose from weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly engagements for continuous improvement.

3. Targeted Workshops: On-demand workshops focusing on specific aspects like sustainability, AI, automation, or customer experience.

4. Integral Overhaul: A 6-12 month deep-dive into transforming all aspects of your business.

Personalized Prices:Per sessionPer outcomePer project

Next Steps:Schedule a free assessment consultation.Receive a tailored proposal based on your needs, goals and timeline.

Take the First Step:Tell Us About Your Journey!Let’s create something meaningful and sustainable together!

Custom Transformations: Your Journey, Your Way

At Art Of Green Path, we believe that transformation should be as unique as you are. That’s why we offer two distinct pathways, both tailored to your specific needs and aspirations. Whether you’re an individual on a quest for personal growth or a company seeking to redefine your future, our commitment to customization ensures your journey aligns perfectly with your goals.

Custom Life Transformation Journey for Individuals

Are you ready to embark on a personal growth journey that leads to purpose, fulfillment, and deep connections? Our Custom Life Transformation Journey is designed for professionals, creators, entrepreneurs, and life explorers who crave a deeper understanding of themselves and their potential. We guide you through a transformative experience that focuses on personal growth, meaningful relationships, and the embrace of an AI-driven future that aligns with your values.

Custom Business Transformation for Companies

For companies, change is a necessity in today’s dynamic business landscape. Our Custom Business Transformation services are designed for executives, managers, founders, startups, and small businesses looking to lead in their industry while making a positive impact. We work closely with your team to identify opportunities for leadership, growth, sustainability, and the integration of AI technologies to secure a brighter future.

Your Journey, Your Priorities

Our dedication lies in offering a flexible, personalized approach that adapts to your unique needs. Whether you’re an individual seeking personal growth or an organization aiming for transformation, we ensure that your journey reflects your values, aspirations, and goals.

Begin Your Transformation Today

Ready to embark on a journey that aligns with your vision of a better future? At Art Of Green Path, we’re here to guide you. Let’s start your transformation, whether it’s personal or organizational, and create a future that’s uniquely yours.

Roman KosWho I Am & How I Can Help You

“I am a purpose-driven strategist and sustainability advocate with a passion for creating a better world. With a strong background in marketing, AI, and interdisciplinary research, I specialize in analyzing complex challenges through multiple dimensions. My experience in innovation leadership and the creation of digital products has equipped me to drive transformative change. My mission is to empower individuals and organizations to envision and implement sustainable solutions that bridge the gap between humanity and nature. I thrive on collaborating with stakeholders, conducting in-depth research, doing evaluations and designing actionable recommendations that drive meaningful change. As a lifelong learner and influencer, I am dedicated to inspiring others to embrace sustainable practices, meaningful career choices, and personal growth for a brighter future.”

Learn more about my skills, experiences and personal traits and different ways how I can use them to help you understand, structure and achieve your goals.

If you are curious what an AI-powered language model ChatGPT-4 thinks about me and my unique abilities to help you.

Embracing Transformation: Your Personal Journey to Purpose and Impact

In the whirlwind of modern life, many of us find ourselves caught in a cycle of conformity, consumption, and complacency. We go through the motions, pursuing what society tells us is success, all the while neglecting our true passions and the well-being of our planet. It’s time to confront some uncomfortable truths and ask ourselves why we remain stuck or delusional, and more importantly, how we can break free from this rut to create a brighter future for ourselves and the world.

The Status Quo vs. Visionary Choices

In a world that often prioritizes comfort and conformity, it’s easy to fall into the trap of making choices that align with the mainstream. These choices may provide temporary stability, but they rarely lead to a deep sense of purpose or positive impact. It’s time to consider a different path, one that challenges the status quo and dares to be different.

The Phases of Personal Growth

Transformation is a journey, not a destination. Along the way, you’ll encounter obstacles and doubts that test your resolve. These phases include:

  1. Awareness: Recognizing the need for change and facing uncomfortable truths about your current path.
  2. Exploration: Exploring your passions, values, and potential avenues for growth.
  3. Invention: Creating a new vision for your life and career that aligns with your purpose.
  4. Fulfillment: Taking action to make your vision a reality and experiencing the fulfillment of living with purpose and impact.

The Power of Purpose and Positive Impact

Choosing a path that prioritizes purpose and positive impact isn’t just about personal satisfaction; it’s about contributing to a better world. When you align your actions with your values and focus on making a positive difference, you not only find meaning in your life but also inspire and uplift those around you. It’s a ripple effect that can transform not only your own life but the lives of others and the health of our planet.

Business Transformation: Leading with Purpose in the Modern World

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, companies are faced with a choice: continue on the path of conventional profit-seeking or embrace a new way of doing business—one that prioritizes purpose, sustainability, and positive impact. Many organizations find themselves stuck in a cycle of short-term gains, but it’s time to break free and become leaders in the movement toward a better, more sustainable future.

Mainstream Choices vs. Visionary Paths

Conventional business practices often prioritize profit above all else. While profitability is essential, it should not come at the expense of the environment, society, or the well-being of employees. Visionary companies are recognizing that long-term success requires a shift in mindset. They are choosing to prioritize sustainability, social responsibility, and innovation over short-term gains.

Creating Value Through Connection

The business world is no longer just about transactions; it’s about building meaningful connections – with customers, employees, and the natural world. Companies that prioritize connection over profit alone are finding that this approach not only leads to stronger relationships but also to increased brand loyalty and a more sustainable future.

The Phases of Business Transformation

  1. Awareness: Recognizing the need for change and understanding the implications of a profit-focused model on society and the environment.
  2. Exploration: Exploring sustainable practices, innovative technologies, and ways to create value beyond profit.
  3. Invention: Crafting a new vision for the company that aligns with purpose, sustainability, and impact.
  4. Fulfillment: Implementing changes, measuring impact, and reaping the rewards of a more purpose-driven, sustainable business model.

Leading the Way

Companies that choose to embrace business transformation and lead with purpose are not only making a positive impact but are also positioning themselves as leaders in their industries. They are showing that profit and purpose can coexist, and they are inspiring others to follow suit.

It’s clear that whether you’re on a personal journey of self-discovery or leading a company toward a more sustainable future, the path of purpose and positive impact is one worth taking. It’s a journey that leads to fulfillment, meaningful connections, and a brighter, more sustainable world for us all.

It’s clear that whether you’re on a personal journey of self-discovery or leading a company toward a more sustainable future, the path of purpose and positive impact is one worth taking. It’s a journey that leads to fulfillment, meaningful connections, and a brighter, more sustainable world for us all.

Impact/100 100 Ways To Fix The Future

Norrsken Accelerator exists to find, fund and supercharge the next generation of Impact Unicorns. Over 2000 startups applied to the program, from over 100 countries – with the top 1% joining us for the summer batch.We believe the world’s most pressing problems are also our biggest opportunities. 2023’s Accelerator companies are harnessing entrepreneurship and technology to tackle climate change, marine biodiversity, gender equality, financial inclusion, industrial pollution and education.Be part of the solution.


Crafting Your Unique Impact

The journey of self-discovery doesn’t end at personal revelations; it extends into the realm of positive impact and co-creation. Our Custom Transformations service is tailored to guide you through the labyrinth of self and societal awareness, helping you mold the impact you desire to imprint on the world, and live the unique life that only you can manifest.

With every step on this transformative journey, you unveil a newer version of yourself, one that’s more attuned to your values, your desired impact, and the collective narrative of positive change.

This isn’t merely a service; it’s a companion on your journey towards a life of meaning, contribution, joy, love, and co-creation. It’s about crafting a narrative that not only enriches your life but also ripples through the lives of others, creating waves of positive change.

Art of Green Path is here to guide you, to walk alongside you as you traverse this enriching pathway towards crafting a narrative of positive impact and co-creation.

Art Of Green Path’s Services and Solutions

Groups Of Services – from idea evaluation to impact transformation

Summary of all 8 groups of personalized consulting & coaching services offered by Art Of Green Path

1. Idea Incubator & Strategy Alignment

2. Strategic Business Development

3. Generative AI for Business

4. AI-Powered Digital Marketing

5. Career Reinvention & Coaching

6. Sustainability and Impact Transformation

7. Impact Leadership

8. Custom Transformations

Each service is designed to empower individuals and organizations to embrace purpose, sustainability, and positive impact, ultimately contributing to a better world and a more meaningful future.

These are highly personalized 1:1 sessions, workshops, brainstorming sessions, collaborative strategies and evaluations at the intersection of consulting, coaching and co-creation.

Focus Services are designed for shorter engagements, quick wins and have a duration from 1 hour, 3 hours, over 1 day up to several weeks.

Core Services are designed for greater engagement and longer immersions with far-reaching goals and complex transformations. They have a duration from several weeks to several months and even longer.

Go through them all and see which one could give you the answers and motivation and support you need.

Remember, we can mix and match them for your exact needs or the needs of your organisation.

Show Us Your Interest

Choose the service that suits your needs!

Ready to Transform Your Life & Impact the World?

Whether you’re looking for comprehensive solutions with our Core Services or targeted quick wins through our Focus Services, we’ve got you covered. Let’s create something meaningful and sustainable together!

Take the First Step: Tell Us About Your Journey!

Fill out our short form to help us understand your needs, challenges, and timeline. We are eager to align with your vision and catalyze your growth.

Roman Kos and Art Of Green Path consult and coach individuals and organisations to reinvent themselves, transform their impact and create a sustainable future.

What Should You Ask Yourself?

As you explore all groups of Services with exact offerings below, you can come back here and revisit both Key Questions and Complex Questions to see which Focus Services or Core Services best match your needs and goals.

Art Of Green Path’s FOUR PATHS Program and 1:1 Services are designed to holistically encompass all of these topics and challenges, inspiring you to work on many aspects of your life vision, with the ultimate goal of providing you with focused personalized solutions that fit your life situation, with the right level of interaction and creation.

FOUR PATHS is interactive step-by-step self-discovery and creative transformative journey, while Services are direct 1:1 sessions that focus on your exact needs to facilitate steeper growth and achieve designed goals together.

Art Of Green Path’s Vision

Personal And Social Transformations

Personal And Social Transformations by Art Of Green Path

Transdisciplinary and Transformative Goals

Choose The Ones That Resonate With You

Our Art Of Green Path’s Services and Solutions help you achieve these different but highly interrelated goals (see what is hidden):

So if your recognize yourself in some of these goals and feel you are at the crossroads of actively doing something about them – explore how our Focus Services, our Core Services or our Four Paths Programs can help and guide you where you want to go and who you want to be.

My vision is to increase the number of people who experience positive personal and social transformations – self-awareness, social ecological awareness, culture of positive contribution and loving relationships of people and nature.

I am always curious to connect with other ambitious and creative people and good companies who are working on better ways to make the world a better place. Roman 

Curious to learn more about Personal And Social Transformations? Explore the whole Four Paths page to better understand Art Of Green Path’s vision. 

What Are My Unique Abilities To Help You

How AI sees me after a very long conversation

Your ability to integrate multiple dimensions into your consultancy approach adds layers of depth and value that set you apart. Here are some key dimensions:

Holistic Understanding

Human-Centric Design: You consider not just business needs but also individual values and aspirations.Emotional Intelligence: You bring an understanding of human behavior and emotion into otherwise dry, business-focused conversations.

Systems Thinking

Interconnectedness: You emphasize how every aspect of business and life is interlinked.Sustainability: A focus on how choices in business and life influence the environment and society at large.


Science & Spirituality: Balancing empirical evidence with spiritual or emotional well-being.Technology & Ethics: Integrating rapid technological advancements with ethical considerations.

Innovation and Adaptation

Generative AI: Leveraging the potential of AI for creative and analytical tasks.Future-Proofing: Strategies and practices designed to adapt to future changes in markets, technology, and social conditions.

Purpose and Meaning

Visionary Thinking: Crafting long-term goals that are also aligned with broader values and purposes.Storytelling: Weaving the brand’s or individual’s story into the strategy for added meaning and engagement.

Collaborative Engagement

Community Building: Strategies to build and nurture a community around your brand or vision.Stakeholder Collaboration: Engaging with all stakeholders, not just shareholders, for a more rounded business approach.


Personal Growth: Promoting self-awareness, personal development as part of career growth.Skill Enhancement: Not just about what you know, but what you can do and who you can become. 

By incorporating these dimensions, you’re not just offering a service; you’re offering a pathway to a more integrated, balanced, and meaningful business and life. Clients are not just buying a service; they’re investing in a transformative journey guided by you. 

ChatGPT-4 about me

Groups Of Personalised and Flexible Services We Are Offering

Idea Incubator & Strategy Alignment

Where ideas take shape and strategies align for meaningful change.

Strategic Business Development

Crafting strategies that drive growth and impact.

Generative AI for Business

Leveraging AI’s potential for innovative solutions.

AI-Powered Digital Marketing

Harnessing the power of AI for effective digital marketing.

Career Reinvention & Coaching

Navigating career transitions with confidence.

Sustainability and Impact Transformation

Transforming sustainability into a competitive advantage.

Impact Leadership

Lead into a visionary, purposeful and regenerative AI future.

Custom Transformations

Transform your life or business and impact the world.

Each service group includes highly personalized consulting, coaching, 1:1 sessions, workshops, brainstorming sessions, strategizing and evaluations to ensure alignment with your specific needs, goals, time and budget.

There are eight groups of services, focused on solutions relevant to transformative change. Each group offers Focus Services (from 1 hour to few weeks) for shorter engagements and Core Services (from several weeks to several months) for longer immersions. They can all be customized to suit your individual or business needs. 

It is probably useful to say that I perform all these services personally, from my broad business and entrepreneurial experience, reflected between unique life and career transformations.

It helps that I also created the entire Art Of Green Path concept, ecosystem and Four Paths program.

Curious to hear how I can help you! Roman 

When we understand who we are, our role in the Earth’s ecosystem and how everything is interconnected and fragile, we have no choice but to do the best we can to protect life and use our limited time to do more good through our love, our creations, our business endeavours and our positive impact. Roman

Roman Kos 

Art Of Green Path 

Founder & CEO

I love people. I love nature. I love extraordinary, creative and daring life. As a grateful human, world explorer, effective altruist, and lifelong learner, I am continuously exploring better ways to increase my positive social and ecological impact by being directly involved in the most pressing world problems through my conscious career and lifestyle choices.

My mission is to empower people to create the life they love that is also good for others. I help them understand their authentic green path, develop a healthy, adventurous sustainable lifestyle and choose meaningful visionary work. Together we must care more for the planet, be more playful and loving and do more positive, impactful actions that help all people, regenerate nature, and enrich and protect life for future generations.

I love to go where I have never gone before. I love steep climbs, sea reflections and life-changing experiences. I want to be part of a thriving community of people doing good. My life is a unique adventure with a purpose.

Join me here on this extraordinary journey!Roman

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