Need Clarity on Your Life and Career Goals? Our Career Reinvention & Coaching service offers you the roadmap to a fulfilling life. It’s more than just career advice; it’s a life-altering journey towards your best self.

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Goals For Career Development

Your Career Discovery Guide

Art Of Green Path guides you to use your creative potential for something good and meaningful.

Art Of Green Path - Career Change - Goals For Career Development

40 Goals For Career Development

1. GROW as a person

2. LEARN new skills


4. Do something EXCITING

5. Develop something IMPORTANT



8. REINVENT yourself


10. Earn more MONEY

Find out more about all 40 Goals, including Your Challenge below!

Life should be playful, beautiful, curious, unpredictable journey of authentic discoveries. If you let it be.

[tqb_quiz id=’1340′]Your Career Discovery Guide - Art Of Green Path

Your Career Discovery Guide – Art Of Green Path

Goals for Career Development: Set and achieve your career goals with our expert tips and creative techniques. Learn how to create a plan for success, build your skills and experience, and network effectively. Take control of your professional life and start achieving your career aspirations today!

Learn about Your Path Of Invention!

I Feel Creative Because…

I Feel Creative Because - Art Of Green Path

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The Overarching Goal Of Understanding Yourself

Only when you understand yourself can you plan your new career successfully. So the first step is to find your reasons for a career change. The next step is understanding your career change goals, finding what you want to do with your life and how your new career (or new job) can help you on your life journey. Indeed, there are many more purposes than getting more money. The more goals you find, the easier it will be to identify which career is perfect for you.

Life Is Not Only About Money

Capitalist controlled society is always hungry for cheap or skilled labour. Its main goal is more profit, whatever it takes. Unfortunately, people often confuse this twisted approach for logical reality and set their own goals as more money, or even worse, to get rich, ignoring their values and well-being goals. Obviously, money is vital for survival (food, energy, shelter, protection, education, health). Still, after its primary function, it should be surpassed by values and goals like: love, generosity, connection, creation, care, purpose, happiness, freedom, and well-being.

Aware Of Your Deep Goals

Modern society requires fast-paced copying, stressful stretched life in many directions, often without deeper purpose, with many victims blindly participating in its gambling game for invisible masters. All rat-race wheels, grey offices, busy highways, crammed skyscrapers, predatory culture, material illusions donā€™t leave much space for people to explore their own goals in life and career. Life is long, full of possibilities for rediscovery or career reinventions. But we can reinvent ourselves many times, only if we dare and know how to do it. By default, change will always be against us if we are unaware of our strengths and deep goals.

Why Art Of Green Path

Art Of Green Path empowers positive life transformations through a curated journey of better life choices. Hence, it gives you a personal perspective to discover your path of creation.

Groups Of Personalised and Flexible Services We Are Offering

a comprehensive range of services aimed at fostering sustainable and impactful growth in the digital age

Unlock a world of transformative possibilities with Art Of Green Path’s diverse range of Consulting and Coaching Services. Whether it’s nurturing impactful ideas, leveraging Generative AI for innovation, or navigating through a career reinvention, our expertly tailored services are your companions in this visionary journey. Ready to transcend the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary? Engage with us, and together let’s craft a future aligned with purpose, sustainability, and meaningful impact.

click on each icon or description to find out more

Idea Incubator & Strategy Alignment

Where ideas take shape and strategies align for meaningful change.

Strategic Business Development

Crafting strategies that drive growth and impact.

Generative AI for Business

Leveraging AI’s potential for innovative solutions.

AI-Powered Digital Marketing

Harnessing the power of AI for effective digital marketing.

Career Reinvention & Coaching

Navigating career transitions with confidence.

Sustainability and Impact Transformation

Transforming sustainability into a competitive advantage.

Impact Leadership

Lead into a visionary, purposeful and regenerative AI future.

Custom Transformations

Transform your life or business and impact the world.

Each service group includes highly personalized consulting, coaching, 1:1 sessions, workshops, brainstorming sessions, strategizing and evaluations to ensure alignment with your specific needs, goals, time and budget.

There are eight groups of services, focused on solutions relevant to transformative change. Each group offers Focus Services (from 1 hour to few weeks) for shorter engagements and Core Services (from several weeks to several months) for longer immersions. They can all be customized to suit your individual or business needs. 

It is probably useful to say that I perform all these services personally, from my broad business and entrepreneurial experience, reflected between unique life and career transformations.

It helps that I also created the entire Art Of Green Path concept, ecosystem and Four Paths program.

Curious to hear how I can help you! Roman 

Your Career Discovery Guide - Art Of Green Path

Your Career Discovery Guide – Art Of Green Path

How to Achieve Great Things in Your Profession and Beyond

Goals for career development are what we strive for, the aspirations and ambitions that drive us forward in our careers. They are the things that give our work meaning and purpose and that help us to grow as professionals and evolve as humans.

The pursuit of goals for career development is a journey, a quest to become the best versions of ourselves we can be. It’s a journey that requires hard work, dedication, and determination. It’s a journey that’s filled with challenges, obstacles, and setbacks, but it’s also a journey that’s filled with excitement, fulfillment, and reward.

For some, goals for career development may be related to achieving a particular position or title, such as becoming a manager or a leader in their field, or by developing new meaningful products (for example, sustainable solutions or technological innovations). For others, career development goals may be more personal, such as gaining new skills, learning a new language, or completing a certification or degree program. But, no matter what our goals for career development may be, they are the things that help us to grow and evolve as creators.

Seeking career development goals requires us to be proactive and engaged in our work. It means setting goals, making plans, and taking action to make our dreams a reality. It means being disciplined, focused, and persistent, even when faced with obstacles and setbacks. And it means being willing to take risks, learn from our mistakes, and adapt and evolve as we move toward our goals.

Art Of Green Path helps you identify your holistic career development goals and other motivators that drive you where you want to go. Of course, the pursuit of these goals is a journey, a quest that requires clever work, dedication, and determination. But by staying focused and committed, you can grow personally and professionally, unlock your desired path and shape a sustainable future. 

By taking advantage of the guided journey offered in LIGHT, you can faster understand what you want, get clarity of your strengths and options, reimagine your career, and create a written plan to start moving towards a more fulfilling and rewarding future. 

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Learn How To Find Goals For Your Career Change

Art Of Green Path LIGHT Guides You There Through These 12 Steps

LIGHT by Art Of Green Path

If you want a career change – now you have a chance to try Art Of Green Path LIGHT –  a 12-step interactive challenge that can change your life forever! Bonus: a free ebook!

Are you curious to find your best goals for your career change?

Art Of Green Path - Career Change - Goals For Career Development

Transform Your Career Change with ChatGPT! Why settle for what everybody is doing when you can revolutionize your career reinvention? Our Generative AI for Business program empowers you to innovate like never before, unlocking your creativity and uniqueness when you envision all your skills and strenghts, write perfect CV and develop your personal brand – all to stand out and win your desired role.

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Creative Ideas To Find Your Dream Job

Here are 8 proactive strategies to help you find your dream job:

1. Make a list of your interests, passions, skills and values, and use that list to brainstorm potential careers that align with them. For example, if you’re passionate about the environment and want a positive impact, consider careers in sustainability, renewable energy, or conservation.

2.Network with people in your field of interest and ask for informational interviews to learn more about their jobs and what they do daily. This can help you better understand what different careers are like and whether they might be a good fit for you.

3. Consider taking on internships, part-time jobs, freelance work, or volunteer opportunities to gain experience in your field of interest and build your skills. This can help you learn more about different careers but also help you make connections and build a professional network that can be useful as you search for your dream job.

4. Think outside the box, and don’t be afraid to pursue unconventional careers or create your own job. For example, consider turning it into a business or side hustle if you’re passionate about a specific hobby or interest. This can help you find a job you love and give you the flexibility and autonomy to design your career path.

5. To enhance your skills and qualifications, consider pursuing further education or training, such as a certificate or degree program. For example, develop green skills and digital skills as there will be high demand for them in the future.

6. Use job search websites and career resources like LinkedIn to find job openings and research companies and industries that align with your goals. It will inspire you for alternative careers and show you the requirements and skills needed.

7.Attend workshops, networking events, and job fairs, or join specialized Linkedin or Facebook groups to meet potential employers or collaborators, learn more about the job market and trends, and recognize your desired career.

8.Develop your personal/professional brand online by writing about your personality, skills, experiences and goals, so you can connect with the right people more easily and achieve a win-win collaboration. 

So you must be proactive, creative and persistent and explore as many options as possible. Always keep your values and goals aligned with what you apply for. You want to avoid ending up in a job you hate, in a hostile environment, and using your creative energy for the wrong cause. Good luck!

Art Of Green Path is designed so you can faster and better understand who you are and what you need to reinvent yourself and your career. The goal is to recognize and develop the right skills and choose the right experiences that open your full creative potential and put you on your authentic path.

Strategy is not the consequence of planning, but the opposite: its starting point.

Henry Mintzberg

Understanding Your Goals Leads You To Your Desired Career

Having clear vision is a crucial step on your path toward work you love.

40 Goals For Career Development

Connect Your Career Goals With Your Life Goals

Here is the extensive list of goals for career development, where you can find your logical and emotional resonance and motivation for the change. It will help you to see more clearly what career you are looking for.

If you want to use your creative energy for something meaningful and influential, there should be wise interconnection between life and career goals.

CHALLENGE: Goals For Career Development

Please read the following goals and think about your plans. Then, recognize those insights where you feel disconnected from yourself, in those job challenges where you would like to change your creative output or work goals and consciously choose something meaningful, worthy and exciting, or simply different and new. So start taking extraordinary steps to be able to move your world.

40 Goals For Career Change

grow as a personlearn new skillsexpand your experiencedo something excitingdevelop something importantget new motivationgain new confidencereinvent yourselfopen new possibilitiesearn more moneycomplete a professional certificatecomplete degreebe part of an experienced and creative teamget promotionget leadership rolebe happierbe healthierfind more meaningful jobalign your work with your lifego out of debt

more creative jobmore aligned with your valuesmore inspiring environmentmore positive impactmore freedommore flexibilityless stresshave a choice of locationa better place for familyfuture proof jobhelp peoplecontribute to sustainabilitycontribute to peaceprotect endangered speciesprotect biosphereprepare for next career stepsfeel more usefulfeel more completelove your work much morecreate a better world

40 Goals For Career Development by Art Of Green Path ALL

Why Is This Career Goals List Different, Extraordinary And Important? 

Topic of Goals For Career Development is essential if we want to feel more than being only productive senseless miserable cogs in the destructive system driven only by money and fake values. There is much more in our precious life when our creative urge merges with our bold actions in choosing a new conscious direction toward the light.

Our job and work can not be separated from our needs as human beings. Loving what we do, believing in the purpose and outcome of our contribution, and feeling interconnected with other human souls around give us more satisfaction and meaning than just following orders and counting numbers or shifting boxes. There are hundreds of profound goals rather than only two common goals: increasing speed and earning more money in an unsustainable cycle. You have a lot of unused power in yourself and all the creative-conscious people of the world on your side. Life can be much more than wasting it on the job you hate to buy things you don’t need.

I have made this comprehensive list of career goals – more profound and broader than usual goals people want to achieve through job roles or career paths. The state of the world, which is ultimately messed up and twisted, depends on our state of mind. As groups and individuals, we are certainly not healthy if we look at our mad societies and everything we destroy. So if we feel anxious and weak, our actions become ignorant and destructive for us and many others.

Advanced career goals can change that clash in your professional and personal life. But above that, you can also contribute to creating new jobs with more meaning and new consumption patterns that become more sustainable and healthy.

Knowing which goals will give you desired outcome and a sense of purpose and joy is a real art. Art Of Green Path is made to help you find the work and life you love and which make you proud of being human.

Explore this list, and make new innovative steps in your precious life as Art Of Green Path guides you. Use Art Of Green Path LIGHT to help you structure your thoughts and clarify your plans.

Share these 40 Goals For Career Development list with people who may benefit from more consciousness and creation in their lost lives or those in positions to make an essential difference in the world.

Your Gloomy Or Colorful Work Choice

I don’t have the plan and confidence to escape my cubicle. OR I focus on my strengths to move toward my goals.

I feel terrible and anxious because of my job. OR I explore alternative paths to find my meaningful work.

I am addicted to money and shopping. OR I am determined to develop my own creative freedom.

I don’t share values with the company. OR I choose a company which I admire.

Your Gloomy Or Colorful Work Choice by Art Of Green Path

Scary And Exciting Future

There is no straight line from envisioning something to its realisation. Life growth is not a straight line. The more we know ourselves, the more we can control our career goals and, ultimately, our well-being. That is true as long as we understand all forces around us, especially future needs and coming jobs, AI and technological revolutions, lifestyle changes, political and economic world trends, delusions of money, and remote work / digital nomads trends. If you succeed in envisioning all future unpredictable forces, your chosen career will have a powerful impact on yourself and the world. So be wise about what you wish for.

Need To Develop Your Ideas? Our Idea Incubator & Strategy Alignment service embodies active listening, insightful questions and constructive feedback about any of your challenges. It’s more than just life or career or business advice; it’s a life-altering journey towards your best self.

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CHALLENGE: Goals For Career Development

Which goals do you want to achieve through your new career or job?

Write your list of goals for career development in order of priority. Then, mark those you require for sure, those that will make a successful career change in your eyes and through which you will feel complete.

What can help you to achieve your new career goals?

Write your answer Goals For Career Development in the LIGHT Step 5 – Big Picture.

Use LIGHT as your personal online diary to plan your desired change.

Use LIGHT for your creative journaling and get a clear picture of your desired career. Its personalization and interactivity will speed up and guide your career discovery journey.

Envision Your Desired Work (Step 10 from LIGHT)

This is Step 10 of the LIGHT journey – very crucial to choosing the right career for the right future..

Through LIGHT, you learn to see and assess work through 8 dimensions and be able to choose jobs or career paths that suits your values, talents and vision.

These 8 dimensions that describe the depth and quality of creative and meaningful work are:









This is one of the essential Art Of Green Path concepts where we approach life holistically by connecting our life purpose with our impact through work we do, our love with our creations, our health with our wealth. 

In the LIGHT you can experience this Step in more details and do your personal challenges to discover the answers you need – in this case envision your desired work. Learn more how LIGHT can help you find your creative job for your desired future.

All 12 Steps fit together and support each other and serve as a perfect introduction to all FOUR PATHS that guide your complete transformation.

Eight Dimensions Of Extraordinary Work by Art Of Green Path

Use Your Creativity For Something Good

We all have only one opportunity to live. So it is a shame to waste it on jobs we don’t love that contradict our values. Working only for money is wrong and destructive – for your personal growth, your health, your creative potential and, ultimately, your influence on positive development.

Having any job is easy, especially if you ignore or reject the responsibility of your life impact. But choosing work that matters in all eight dimensions is art. The world needs more people who can question the widespread paradigm of powerless living based on unhealthy lifestyles, broken work-life balance and unsustainable overconsumption. A better world needs original and creative humans.

Art Of Green Path inspires and guides people to strive for all Eight Dimensions Of Extraordinary Work.

Is your job a cause or an excuse? How can your job stop being an excuse for your failed life? How can your work become the cause of your fulfilled life? Learn more about yourself, your authentic life path, and intelligent career choices and start the change that matters. 

Which dimension of work is most critical to your positive impact on the world?

The heart and soul of a company is creativity and innovation.

Bob Iger

Collaboration And Co-creation Elevate Humans

Always learning organization needs to attract similar always learning types of people. People who are enthusiastic about understanding their lives more and willing to explore new places of interaction with other humans. These interactions are not necessarily related to their work. They can also be, for example, about scientific discoveries, healthy lifestyles, ecological awareness and actions, shared outdoor activities, exploring nature with children, leading sports training groups, creating online content with good purposeā€¦ These creative people in the organization structure will behave in the same curious manner and inspire others to try something similar. Their curiosity will bring them to areas where nobody was before and into original solutions for including different types of people together. They will make new company culture alive as they become hubs of good energy centered around positive, progressive values. Connecting different people will also connect different organizational parts to understand each other better and cooperate in new ways. All such processes will cultivate a unique culture shaped by cooperation and co-creation, making all people involved feel more human and more willing to be healthy brain cells of a thriving organizational body. Collaboration and co-creation elevate humans. 

Choosing an organization where always learning culture exists or is in the process of making will put you in a favorable position to develop and use all your talents and connect with other curious and creative people.

To learn more about Culture Design of organizations there is no better place than gapingvoid

The Culture Club by Gapingvoid

The Culture Club by Gapingvoid

About Other Steps In Your Plan

Your career change plan includes six steps. The first step is to find your reasons for a career change. The second is to find yourself on the map of basic career change options. The next step is finding what you want to do with your life and how your new career (or new job) can help you on your life journey. This aspect is covered in mentioned goals for career development. Indeed, there are many more goals than getting more money. The fourth step is about thinking about your strategy of change by choosing the right way for you. After all these, you can start thinking more about particular industries and jobs that suit your desires and needs. Insight into jobs that will have great demand in the most likely future is covered in the fifth step or creative jobs of the future. The sixth step will round up your way of thinking and planning through all previous steps.

Only when you understand yourself can you plan your new career.

Personalized Consulting & Coaching Services

click on each icon or name to find out more

Idea Incubator & Strategy Alignment

Strategic Business Development

Generative AI for Business

AI-Powered Digital Marketing

Career Reinvention & Coaching

Sustainability and Impact Transformation

Impact Leadership

Custom Transformations

Explore a world of transformative solutions with Art Of Green Path’s range of services. Whether it’s refining your business strategy, unlocking the potential of AI, or embarking on a career reinvention, we’re here to guide you. Reach out and let’s start crafting your sustainable, impactful future together.

Summary Of Your Career Discovery Guide

Art Of Green Path - Career Change - Ideas For Career Change

1. Find Your Reasons For A Career Change

2. Understand Your Fundamental Career Change Options

Art Of Green Path - Career Change - Goals For Career Development

3. Understand Your Goals For Career Development

Art Of Green Path - Career Change - How To Choose A Career

4. Find Your Ways For Career Change

Art Of Green Path - Career Change - Creative Jobs Of The Future

5. Find An Industry Or Field Where You Want To Develop Further


6. Align All These Together

It is expected to have more rounds of all these steps until you reach clarity about your desired career.

If you want to speed up this career discovery process by increasing your clarity, motivation and focus, there is the Art Of Green Path LIGHT.

The LIGHT is a unique 12-step system, interactive journaling tool and your creative guide for designing your desired career. Use it to better plan your career change.

Four Essential Levels Of Life Change

When we want to change something meaningfully, we need to transform our energies and actions from passive to conscious choices, from closed to open outlook, and from selfish to interconnected behaviors.

In a nutshell – we feel and change INSIDE WORLD first. Then we explore and understand the INTERCONNECTED WORLD. After that, we passionately leap into the CREATIVE WORLD. Ultimately, we influence and co-create a FUTURE WORLD.

In that sense, in the Art Of Green Path, we see 4 essential dimensions of life change:

1. introspect yourself

understand and feel what you want and what you need

3. transform your life

change your wrong choices and become who you want to be

2. grow yourself

become able to achieve what you want

4. transform other lives

multiply positive impact by empowering other people’s actions

Art Of Green Path - Life Transformation

How Do You Feel?How Do You Want To Feel?

Depressed and Manipulated OR Happy and Authentic?

Sick and Ignorant OR Healthy and Inspired?

Destructive and Selfish OR Creative and Generous?

Trapped and Disconnected OR Free and Connected?

Art Of Green Path - How Do You Feel?

In our age of rat-race, money obsession and debt culture, many people are anxious and hungry for resonating answers to life-changing questions: How to be creative and free? How to find work you love? What are jobs for creative people? For sure, there is nothing more valuable than to do something good as you feel good.

Art Of Green Path LIGHT leads people on a journey of creation that involves unconventional questions, strong motivation and creative focus on their path to find a meaningful career they love – the life where they fulfil their creative potential.

Art Of Green Path - Your Life Creativity in 4 Questions

10 Reasons Why Art Is As Much Transformation As Creation

1. Art is a creative concept through which people can communicate ideas, emotions, and experiences.

2. Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination; people typically think about art as a visual form, such as painting or sculpture.

3. Art can take many forms, such as visual art, literature, music, dance, and theater. Art can be a website for personal growth, eco-social entrepreneurship, or an organization that helps and empowers people. Art can be movements for wildlife protection or climate change solutions.

4. It can also be created for different purposes, such as aesthetic enjoyment, self-expression, and social or political commentary. It can serve the higher purpose of transforming people, building culture, or driving needed change.

5. Art is often associated with creativity, beauty, and originality. But it can also have revolutionary, evolutionary and disruptive elements.

6. It is also a way of interpreting and revealing the world around us. It can provide a unique perspective or inspire and motivate you to start your own project or movement.

7. Art is an integral part of human culture and has played a role in many societies throughout history.

8. It is also a way of connecting with others, providing a common language and experience that can bring people together.

9. The nature of art is constantly evolving as new forms and styles emerge and old ones are rediscovered and reinterpreted.

10. Ultimately, art is a fundamental aspect of human experience and a way of expressing, exploring and transforming the world and ourselves.

Career Change

Your essential steps to use your creative potential.

Ideas For Career Change

Goals For Career Development

How To Choose A Career

Creative Jobs Of The Future

Career change is a self discovery that happens through these 3 sources:

Unconventional Questions

People stop being playful. Learn how to ask and answer unusual questions to develop your experimental and inventive nature.

Strong Motivation

The system needs robots, but you want to follow your heart. Learn to grow with authentic motivation in the direction you choose.

Creative Focus

Our lives are full of delusions and copying others. Practice being creative and design your new career by actively working on your vision.

Choose LIGHT for more inspiration, guidance and structure! I have designed it to help you find the right questions, develop the right motivation and achieve the right focus.

What career do you want?

How to achieve a work life balance?

What can be your future creations?

How to design your perfect career?

Answers to these essential questions are making our life meaningful and extraordinary or delusive and destructive. Many are choosing imitation of life. Being overwhelmed, not dare to stand out. Modern slaves by choice. So they stay stuck in a fog of copying and dissatisfaction.

Instead of feeling stuck and stressed, you can feel creative and confident. Only by engaging your full life potential into a smart career change can you reach a work-life balance. Creating something beautiful, useful, and positive feeds your meaningful challenges. Your career change is evolving along with you.

Life as creation is a transformative journey for all unsatisfied souls.

Inspiration and Guidance.

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Path Of Invention

Art Of Green Path - Path Of Invention - Create Work You Love

Path Of Invention is the third path of the ART OF GREEN PATH. It is the interactive 7-module flow of insights and exercises to inspire your superpowers to quit your miserable career, boost your creativity, and create the work you love.

As your personal journey of unconventional creations and smart career change, it will challenge your preconceptions, grow your new confidence and trigger your sense of impact.

The Art Of Green Path Concept

The ART OF GREEN PATH guides your transformative journey through four paths:

Art Of Green Path - Path Of Awareness - Discover Your Authentic Happiness

Path Of Awareness

Discover Your Authentic Happiness

Art Of Green Path - Path Of Exploration - Experience Your Aliveness

Path Of Exploration

Experience Your Aliveness

Art Of Green Path - Path Of Invention - Create Work You Love

Path Of Invention

Create Work You Love

Art Of Green Path - Path Of Fulfillment - Reinvent Your Life

Path Of Fulfillment

Reinvent Your Life

Art Of Green Path - Career Change - Ideas For Career ChangeArt Of Green Path - Career Change - Goals For Career DevelopmentArt Of Green Path - Career Change - How To Choose A CareerArt Of Green Path - Career Change - Creative Jobs Of The Future

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If you want to understand yourself and your career goals, now you have special opportunity to buy your personal transformative program Art Of Green Path LIGHT

You will also receive a free ebook ‘LIGHT – 12 Steps To Change Your Life’ to help you decipher your desired life.

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Design Your Career Change Through The Art Of Green Path

I believe that LIGHT can help you you understand your desired career. Feel that NOW is the right moment to dive deeper into your creativity and envision your new career. LIGHT is designed to help you build your creative momentum of change, clear and write your best thoughts, and visualise your desired unconventional life, all in 12 interactive Steps. LIGHT is your personalised tool for active self-development. Learn more here.

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