Empower Your Business with Customized AI Solutions


Unlock the potential of AI to drive innovation, efficiency, and sustainability.



Art Of Green Path - Purpose, Connection, Creation & Impact

Art Of Green Path – Purpose, Connection, Creation & Impact


Empowering a Diverse Community Towards a Purpose-Driven Future

Executives and Leaders: Embrace digital transformation and pioneer an AI-powered future for your visionary organization.

Entrepreneurs and Innovators: Engage in strategic business transformation and harness artificial intelligence and digital marketing to drive impact.

Individuals and Professionals: Navigate personal growth, explore career change, and embark on career reinvention.

Coaches, Consultants, and Educators: Enhance your practice with AI tools and a sustainability-centered approach.

Activists and Community Builders: Champion sustainability, foster impactful community engagement, and work towards a regenerative future.


Our Core Values

Innovation: Driving forward-thinking solutions and creative advancements.
Sustainability: Committed to promoting environmentally friendly practices.
Positive Impact: Focusing on social good and improving well-being.
Ethical AI: Ensuring transparency, fairness, and ethical standards in all AI applications.
Client-Centric: Providing tailored solutions and building long-term partnerships.


Our AI Services

Free AI Consultation: Explore AI opportunities for your needs.
AI Strategic Blueprint: Customized AI strategies to align with your business goals.
AI Content Creation Strategy: Leveraging AI for impactful content creation and digital marketing.
ChatGPT Education: Learning to use Generative AI for innovation, research, planning, and marketing.
Personalized AI Solutions: Tailored AI solutions to meet your specific business needs.
Flexible AI Consulting: Ongoing AI expertise for brainstorming and planning.
AI Solutions Implementation: Comprehensive AI solutions including automation, customized applications, and multimodal agents.
Fully Custom Solutions: Unique combination of education, consultancy, data analysis, content creation, automation, integration and training for your specific case.


Who We Help

We partner with businesses and organizations committed to making a positive impact.

Our ideal clients include companies that:
Value Sustainability: Focus on environmental protection and sustainable practices.
Champion Innovation: Lead in technological advancements and creative solutions.
Promote Well-Being: Improve lives through social good and community engagement.
Embrace Ethical Practices: Prioritize ethical AI implementations.
Seek Long-Term Partnerships: Desire ongoing collaboration and growth with AI.

Ready to Transform Your Business? Contact me today to explore how our AI consulting and AI implementation services can help you achieve your goals and make a positive impact on the world. 


AI Guides - Art Of Green Path

AI Guides – Art Of Green Path


Personalized Consulting & Coaching Services

1:1 Personalized Services are consulting and coaching services covering eight groups of topics, focused on solutions relevant to transformative change. Within each service group, you’ll find a range of tailored offerings, including personalized consulting, one-on-one coaching, interactive workshops, collaborative brainstorming sessions, strategic planning, and comprehensive evaluations. These elements are carefully designed to align precisely with your unique needs, objectives, schedule, and budget. Topics range from generative AI and business strategy till digital marketing and career innovation. Learn More!

Art Of Green Path - Services and Solutions

Art Of Green Path – Services and Solutions

Show us your interest in our AI consultations and AI services focused on understanding Generative AI opportunities and business innovations in your visionary business and life. Learn about leading AI models, useful AI tools and powerful AI integrations and how they can drive your company goals.


Groups Of Personalised and Flexible Services We Are Offering

Idea Incubator & Strategy Alignment Service

Where ideas take shape and strategies align for meaningful change.

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Strategic Business Development Service

Crafting strategies that drive growth and impact.

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Generative AI for Business Service

Leveraging AI’s potential for innovative solutions.

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AI-Powered Digital Marketing Service

Harnessing the power of AI for effective digital marketing.

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Career Reinvention & Coaching Service

Navigating career transitions with confidence.

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Sustainability and Impact Transformation Service

Transforming sustainability into a competitive advantage.

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Impact Leadership Service

Lead into a visionary, purposeful and regenerative AI-powered future.

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Custom Transformations Service

Transform your life or business and impact the world.

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Each service group includes highly personalized consulting, coaching, 1:1 sessions, workshops, brainstorming sessions, strategizing and evaluations to ensure alignment with your specific needs, goals, time and budget.

There are eight groups of services, focused on solutions relevant to transformative change. Each group offers Focus Services (from 1 hour to few weeks) for shorter engagements and Core Services (from several weeks to several months) for longer immersions. They can all be customized to suit your individual or business needs. 

It is probably useful to say that I perform all these services personally, from my broad business and entrepreneurial experience, reflected between unique life and career transformations.

It helps that I also created the entire Art Of Green Path concept, ecosystem and Four Paths program.

Curious to hear how I can help you! Roman 


Show Us Your Interest

Choose the service that suits your needs!

Ready to Transform Your Business & Impact the World?

Whether you’re looking for comprehensive solutions with our Core Services or targeted quick wins through our Focus Services, we’ve got you covered. Let’s create something meaningful and sustainable together!

Take the First Step: Tell Us About Your Journey!

Contact me on Linkedin so I can understand your needs, challenges, and timeline. I am eager to align with your vision and catalyze your growth.


Art Of Green Path - Impact & Future

Art Of Green Path – Impact & Future


Why Art Of Green Path?

I have created the Art Of Green Path concept and digital ecosystem to inspire people (like you) for daring, unconventional and fulfilled lives driven by meaningful and impactful career choices. Beyond FOUR PATHS program I also offer personalized flexible Services and Solutions, like 1:1 sessions or consulting workshops, in areas of idea brainstorming, business strategy development, creative use of ai, digital marketing, impact entrepreneurship, career reinvention and personal branding. I believe in the transformative power of conscious personal and professional growth through which people become curious to support social and ecological causes and work toward a better world.

Join me here on this extraordinary journey! Roman / Art Of Green Path founder


Art Of Green Path - Purpose, Connection, Creation & Impact

Art Of Green Path – Purpose, Connection, Creation & Impact

'Reinvent Yourself' Journey by Art Of Green Path

Reinvent Yourself Journey – Art Of Green Path

Art Of Green Path helps people reinvent themselves and their careers to thrive in the AI-powered sustainable future while creating positive impact.


Art Of Green Path - Four Paths

Four Paths – Art Of Green Path

Art Of Green Path - Life Transformation

Life Transformation – Art Of Green Path

Art Of Green Path - Purpose, Connection, Creation & Impact

Art Of Green Path – Purpose, Connection, Creation & Impact

Connect Life Through Love by Art Of Green Path


Roman Kos Art Of Green Path

founder & creator

I love people. I love nature. I love extraordinary, creative and daring life. As a grateful human, world explorer, AI consultant, and lifelong learner, I am continuously exploring better ways to increase my positive social and ecological impact by being directly involved in the most pressing world problems through AI business innovations and transformative consulting and coaching.

My mission is to empower businesses and professionals to use AI for good while improving life for people and taking care of the environment. 

I love to go where I have never gone before. I love steep climbs, sea reflections and life-changing experiences. I want to be part of a thriving community of people doing good. My life is a unique adventure with a purpose.

Join me here on this extraordinary journey! Roman https://www.linkedin.com/in/romankos/