Need Clarity on Your Life and Career Goals? Our Career Reinvention & Coaching service offers you the roadmap to a fulfilling life. It’s more than just career advice; it’s a life-altering journey towards your best self.

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Embark on the Path Of Invention

Ignite Creative Endeavors and AI Innovations for Career Reinvention and a Sustainable Future

Embark on the Path Of Invention, a transformative expedition designed to unlock your inherent superpowers, catalyze your creativity, and steer you towards a vocation brimming with purpose. This journey is more than a career change; it’s a metamorphosis into a realm where your meaningful contributions shape an AI-powered sustainable future. At the heart of this path lies a profound alignment with core values, fostering a symbiotic relationship between your professional endeavors and the ethos of sustainability. As you traverse this path, you’ll redefine success, seamlessly intertwine your passions with your profession, and lay the foundation for a fulfilling and nature-aligned livelihood. The Path Of Invention is your odyssey of career reinvention, where every milestone amplifies your sense of purpose and epitomizes the boundless possibilities nested within the nexus of AI innovation, sustainability, and purpose-driven endeavors. 

What are the details of the Path Of Invention program?

Is this program for me?

What is the price?

Path Of Invention - Art Of Green Path

Path Of Invention – Art Of Green Path

Path Of Invention

visionary goals

Art Of Green Path

  • create work you love
  • harness your creativity
  • invent your meaningful career

Discover The Art Of Creative Reinvention

Ignite the spark of creative reinvention with Art Of Green Path’s ‘Path Of Invention.’ This invigorating journey beckons you to meld creativity with purpose, envisioning a career that’s not just fulfilling, but also aligned with your values and the greater good. Through a blend of imaginative exercises and pragmatic strategies, you’ll unearth your creative prowess and pave the way towards a career that resonates with your true essence. Seize the opportunity to reinvent your professional journey through the lens of creativity and meaningful impact, starting on the Path Of Invention today. Invest in your desired future!

Who and How Can Benefit from Path Of Invention

Each path within the Art Of Green Path program is designed to foster a different aspect of personal or professional growth. These groups might benefit the most from Path Of Invention:

Creative Professionals: Unleash creative potential and discover new avenues for meaningful work and career satisfaction.

Entrepreneurs: Foster innovation and creativity in developing business ideas that align with personal values and sustainable practices.

Career Changers: Navigate the journey of career reinvention with support, gaining clarity on aligning work with personal values and passions.

Different demographics or groups of people may naturally gravitate towards certain paths based on their life experiences, aspirations, or circumstances.

By participating in the path that resonates most with their current life situation, aspirations and needs, individuals from these groups can garner insights, skills, and support to navigate their personal and professional journeys with a sense of purpose, creativity, and fulfillment.

If you feel your needs and goals resonate with what Path Of Invention is all about, consider a small investment. You will be supporting Art Of Green Path’s vision along with your personal transformation.

Path Of Invention - Art Of Green Path

Path Of Invention – Art Of Green Path

Embarking on a Transformative Career Journey: A Step-by-Step Guide

In today’s dynamic world, transitioning to a new career is a pathway to rediscovering oneself. It begins with Self-Reflection, understanding your core values, interests, and skills. Diving into Research and Learning broadens your horizon, followed by Networking to connect with like-minded professionals. Skill Development is crucial to equip yourself for the new journey ahead. Real-World Experience through volunteering or freelancing provides a glimpse into your future career. Brand Building showcases your newfound skills, making you ready for the Job Search and Application phase. Lastly, Continuous Growth ensures you remain updated and adaptable, propelling you towards a fulfilling career transformation. Each step is a building block towards a promising and purposeful professional realm. 

Being in control of own future, especially if you want to grow as person and professional in these unpredictable times, means crafting, readjusting and reinventing your career. Each step is a milestone towards transitioning into a career that aligns better with your values and interests.

Here you can find all eight steps again with challenges and action points:

1. Self-Reflection:

  • Challenge: Don’t be distracted by other people’s noises. Find own unique voice.
  • Action point: Identify personal values, interests, and skills.

2. Research and Learning:

  • Challenge: Don’t risk being stuck in the field that will disappear in near future.
  • Action point: Explore new fields, take courses, attend workshops.

3. Networking:

  • Challenge: Go out of your comfort zone, explore synergies, find ways to help people  
  • Action point: Connect with professionals, attend industry events, be engaged on social media.

4. Skill Development:

  • Challenge: Identify your transferable skills and learn how to sell them. Learn Generative AI tools. 
  • Action Point: Acquire necessary skills for your new career path.

5. Real-World Experience:

  • Challenge: Identify opportunities for collaborations and transdisciplinary strategy. Be proactive.
  • Action Point: Volunteer, intern, or freelance to gain experience.

6. Brand Building:

  •  Challenge: Develop own brand while keeping integrity, purpose and alignment with your goals.
  • Action Point: Update your professional profile, showcase your work, spread your messages.

7. Job Search and Application:

  • Challenge: Recognize how you can specifically utilize your soft skills for innovative solutions. 
  • Action Point: Tailor resumes, practice interviews, apply strategically.

8. Continuous Growth:

  • Challenge: Human-centered AI-powered people who can create synergies will be valuable in the future
  • Action Point: Seek feedback, learn continuously, integrate different fields and adapt.

Engage in a transformative expedition where each step is a stitch in the fabric of your future, melding imaginative prowess with practical skills.

Path Of Invention Offer Summary

What Is Path Of Invention

self-guided journey of professional growth as a digital program focused on AI-future, actionable creations, and profound career transformation

Whom Can Benefit

people who want to reinvent their career and use their creative potential and AI for something good

Seven Interactive Modules

M31 Feel Your Creative EnergyM32 Wake Up Your ArtM33 Visualize Your Visionary CreationM34 Design Your Creative FutureM35 Create Your Meaningful Visionary WorkM36 Embrace Freedom & ImpactM37 Art Of Creation

Three Visionary Goals

> create work you love> harness your creativity> invent your meaningful career

Two Payment Options

> monthly subscription> one-time fee


transformative journalling and coaching for clarity, motivation and purpose

…and experience your new life full of meaning!

Path Of Invention - Art Of Green Path

The career path we choose has a significant impact on our lives. However, because of not enough self-understanding, a lot of bad advice, and mainstream bias, we often find ourselves at some point feeling unfulfilled or unhappy or lost in our current career, and the idea of starting over in a new field can be daunting. This is where the Path Of Invention comes in.

Path Of Invention guides your Creation!

Navigate career transitions with confidence. Explore Career Reinvention & Coaching service.

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Groups Of Personalized and Flexible Services We Are Offering

a comprehensive range of services aimed at fostering sustainable and impactful growth in the digital age


Idea Incubator & Strategy Alignment Service

Where ideas take shape and strategies align for meaningful change. Learn More!

Strategic Business Development Service

Crafting strategies that drive growth and impact. Learn More!

Generative AI for Business Service

Leveraging AI’s potential for innovative solutions. Learn More!

AI-Powered Digital Marketing Service

Harnessing the power of AI for effective digital marketing. Learn More!

Career Reinvention & Coaching Service

Navigating career transitions with confidence. Learn More!

Sustainability and Impact Transformation Service

Transforming sustainability into a competitive advantage. Learn More!

Impact Leadership Service

Lead into a visionary, purposeful and regenerative AI future. Learn More!

Custom Transformations Service

Transform your life or business and impact the world. Learn More!

Each service group includes highly personalized consulting, coaching, 1:1 sessions, workshops, brainstorming sessions, strategizing and evaluations to ensure alignment with your specific needs, goals, time and budget.

There are eight groups of services, focused on solutions relevant to transformative change. Each group offers Focus Services (from 1 hour to few weeks) for shorter engagements and Core Services (from several weeks to several months) for longer immersions. They can all be customized to suit your individual or business needs. 

It is probably useful to say that I perform all these services personally, from my broad business and entrepreneurial experience, reflected between unique life and career transformations.

It helps that I also created the entire Art Of Green Path concept, ecosystem and Four Paths program.

Curious to hear how I can help you! Roman 


Take the First Step: Tell Us About Your Journey!

Let’s create something meaningful and sustainable together!

Fill out the form below and explain a little about your situation and needs!

Unlock Your Creative Potential

Here are 10 examples of people reinventing their jobs and careers. Each story showcases a journey of unlocking creative potential leading to personal and professional fulfillment. They share themes of using AI, sustainable innovations and tech for good. Some of them even go in unexpected directions.

The Late Bloomer:

Sarah, a 40-year-old accountant, always had a knack for painting. She decided to attend weekend art classes, reigniting her passion. After she has incorporated unsustainability and dark future angles her artworks began to gain international recognition in activistic communities. 

Techie to Baker:

After years in tech, John discovered his love for baking. He took culinary courses, started a small bakery, and now blends tech with baking to create 3D printed cakes. 

Corporate to Crafts:

Emma left her corporate job, pursued a pottery course, and now runs a small pottery studio, finding joy and a sustainable living in her crafts. She also offers anti-stress courses and balance discovery sessions for busy executives.

Eco-Fashion Designer:

Anna transitioned from fast-fashion to eco-fashion, creating a sustainable brand using recycled materials. 

AI for Conservation:

Liam developed an AI system to monitor endangered species, helping local conservation efforts in areas with high human pressure on wildlife and biodiversity.

Climate Advocate:

Carlos, a former oil engineer, now leads a non-profit advocating for clean energy solutions. 

Circular Economy Innovator:

Maya created a platform connecting businesses to recycle and repurpose industrial waste. 

Impact Entrepreneur:

Raj founded a social enterprise addressing local unemployment and promoting eco-tourism. 

AI in Agriculture:

Emily developed a Generative AI system optimizing crop yields while reducing water and pesticide use. 


After witnessing the impacts of urbanization, Zhang now designs buildings with minimal environmental footprints. 

I hope you are a little more inspired to focus your time and effort by diving deep into the intersection of your values, needs and goals. Unleash the boundless realms of your creativity as you venture through interactive modules of Path Of Invention designed to ignite your innovative spark and shape a career you adore. 

1:1 Career Coaching & Impact

Get Started

Creative Career Transformation

Delve into self-exploration to unveil your creative essence, nurturing it to flourish in a career that’s as imaginative as it is meaningful. Navigate the transition into a vocation that harmonizes with nature’s rhythm, fostering a sustainable impact through your professional endeavors. Preferably choose to do something that only you can do and that its results positively uplift people and restore natural balance and beauty. Don’t sell your soul.

Modules and Goals

Path Of Invention has seven Modules which names reveal their Goals. It is part of Art Of Green Path EXPERIENCE premium product that includes all Four Paths. Explore all details here and see how it can help you create your desired work. The third Path is a career reinvention program designed to increase your confidence and clarity through journaling and self-reflection exercises as you discover your career purpose step by step at your own pace.

Path Of Invention

  • M31 Feel Your Creative Energy
  • M32 Wake Up Your Art
  • M33 Visualize Your Visionary Creation
  • M34 Design Your Creative Future
  • M35 Create Your Meaningful Visionary Work
  • M36 Embrace Freedom & Impact
  • M37 Art Of Creation

M31 – M37 are Modules from the Path Of Invention, each with four respective Guides designed to inspire, motivate your personal growth and open up your possibilities for impactful and sustainable career transformations. Their names tell their overall goals and creative techniques such as journalling, self-reflective questions, creative expression and nature connection are intertwined in all of these steps.

Two options: monthly subscription and one-time fee.

Self-guided modules, interactive journaling, coaching support.

Path Of Invention by Art Of Green Path

Transform your digital marketing with AI. Discover our AI-Powered Digital Marketing service.

See the Benefits

Harnessing AI for Career Transformation

In the era of digital evolution, Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges as a catalyst for career transformation. It not only opens doors to novel vocations but empowers individuals to enhance their skills, making them adaptable in a tech-driven market. From AI-based learning platforms to smart career advisors, the potential to redefine your career path is immense. Embrace AI, unlock uncharted territories in your professional journey, and steer your career towards a future filled with innovation and growth.

Generative AI can be used for:

Research: AI can scour vast datasets, identifying trends and insights, e.g., sentiment analysis in social media data.

Content Creation: Generative AI like GPT-4 can help in drafting articles, blogs or even creative writing and strategy.

Analysis: AI can automate data analysis, identifying key metrics and anomalies, e.g., sales performance analysis.

Process Automation: AI can automate routine tasks, e.g., chatbots handling customer inquiries.

Optimization: AI can optimize processes by analyzing performance data, e.g., supply chain optimization to reduce costs and enhance efficiency.

Additional key fields for new AI career:

Healthcare: AI can help in predictive analytics, diagnosis, and personalized treatment plans.

Finance: Fraud detection, algorithmic trading, and robo-advisors are AI applications.

Education: Adaptive learning systems and AI tutors personalize education.

Marketing: Customer segmentation, retargeting, and click tracking are enhanced by AI.

Agriculture: AI helps in predictive analysis for crop yields and pest detection.

Climate Change: AI models with millions of parameters related to the components of a global coupled climate model.

AI Careers: A World of Opportunity Awaits

The demand for Artificial Intelligence (AI) jobs has surged by 32% recently, revealing a talent deficit as the supply of qualified AI professionals trails behind. With salaries often exceeding $100,000, the financial allure is unmistakable.

The dynamism in the AI sector unfolds a plethora of career growth avenues. The flexibility of AI careers is another draw – be it freelancing, consulting, research, or branching into specialized fields like machine learning and computer vision. You can even create your own AI product.

Moreover, the skills acquired are transferable across various sectors, making AI not just a hot career choice, but a versatile one too.

Specialized AI Careers:

1. Prompt Engineer:A Prompt Engineer develops and fine-tunes the algorithms that generate prompts to drive user engagement or to elicit specific responses in applications.Tasks: Creating prompt algorithms, analyzing user interaction data, enhancing prompt effectiveness.Skills: Programming, data analysis, understanding of user experience and behavior.

2. NLP Engineer:Explore the human-machine communication frontier as an NLP Engineer, developing systems that understand and respond to human language.Tasks: Developing NLP models, text analysis.Skills: ML, NLP frameworks.

3. Machine Learning Engineer:Dive into the world of algorithms and data-driven models as a Machine Learning Engineer. This role is pivotal in developing intelligent systems that learn from data to make predictions or decisions.Tasks: Designing ML models, data analysis.Skills: Python, ML frameworks.

4. Data Scientist:As a Data Scientist, you’ll unlock insights from data to solve complex problems, making data-driven recommendations to drive organizational improvements.Tasks: Data analysis, predictive modeling.Skills: Statistics, Python.

5. Business Intelligence Developer:Step into a role that bridges business with technology. As a Business Intelligence Developer, you’ll design data-driven solutions that inform business decisions and drive success.Tasks: Designing BI solutions, data analysis.Skills: SQL, data warehousing.

6. Research Scientist:Unleash your curiosity as a Research Scientist, where you’ll delve into exploring new technologies or methodologies, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in your field.Tasks: Conducting experiments, publishing findings.Skills: Domain knowledge, analytical skills.

7. Big Data Engineer/Architect:Manage and design the big data infrastructure, ensuring it integrates seamlessly with complex systems, making data accessible for decision-making.Tasks: Designing big data ecosystems, data management.Skills: Hadoop, Spark.

8. Software Engineer:Embark on a creative journey of building, testing, and maintaining software systems ensuring seamless functionality and user experience.Tasks: Developing software, debugging.Skills: Programming languages, problem-solving.

9. Software Architect:As a Software Architect, you’ll be the visionary behind software architecture, ensuring systems are robust, scalable, and secure.Tasks: Designing software architecture, ensuring system security.Skills: Software design, communication.

10. Data Analyst:Delve into the nuances of data as a Data Analyst, uncovering trends and insights that drive strategic business decisions.Tasks: Data collection, statistical analysis.Skills: SQL, data visualization.

11. Robotics Engineer:Shape the future by designing and developing robots as a Robotics Engineer, integrating cutting-edge technologies to solve real-world problems.Tasks: Designing robots, testing.Skills: Robotics, programming.

Each of these careers offers a unique avenue to merge technical skills with creativity, problem-solving, and a chance to significantly impact the evolving digital landscape. Each role has its unique flavor of innovation and impact.

Path Of Invention - Art Of Green Path

Path Of Invention – Art Of Green Path

So You Have 4 Options:  

Immediately dive into personal growth through the Path Of Invention (and its 6+1 powerful Modules) if you want to experience faster and deeper progress

On the other hand, if you are looking for an overview of the whole system, you can start your journey with the LIGHT challenge that gives you traction and a sense of direction.

Third options is 1:1 Personalized Coaching and Consulting Services for the fastest results and focus on your unique challenges and needs

The fourth option is to remain passive. Stay in the status quo and hope something miraculous will happen.

LIGHT is an introduction to the ART OF GREEN PATH journey and serves as a taster of all Paths. FOUR PATHS provides holistic solutions to AI-powered sustainable future through your personal and professional life situation. COACHING & CONSULTING SERVICES can be tailored and customized to suit your accelerated learning and growth. So now you have all the levels of commitment, budget and personalization to not keep using excuses not to move towards the life you desire. Take action now!

Art Of Green Path - Path Of Invention

How Are Your Purpose and Creation Connected?

Do you want to feel creative?

Do you want to feel confident?

Do you want to feel meaningful?

The Path of Invention is a career reinvention program designed to help individuals transform their careers and pursue their passions while making a great positive impact by improving the world, helping people and protecting nature. It is very interesting that purpose and creation support each other. So creating more good will make you feel better too.

Following a seven-step process, the program guides individuals through the exploration, ideation, research, implementation, and success of their new career path. So, if you are stuck in your current career and looking for a way to make a change, the Path of Invention may be the program to take a bold step toward a fulfilling and satisfying career.

The goal is to embrace and connect all Four Paths in your life – your INSIDE WORLD, your INTERCONNECTED WORLD, your CREATIVE WORLD and ultimately your FUTURE WORLD.

Prepare Yourself For Extraordinary AI-Powered Future

The Path Of Invention program is dedicated to guiding individuals through a transformative journey to revamp their careers, enhance creativity, and find meaningful work. It offers a structured program with seven modules aimed at fostering personal and professional growth while aligning with artificial intelligence development and sustainable and nature-centric principles. Begin your transformative journey today and thrive in the challenging AI-powered future.

Path Of Invention - Art Of Green Path

Path Of Invention – Art Of Green Path

Examples Of Personal Challenges

Life is more or less about love, challenges and creation. I know you are still searching for answers on how to do what you love and love what you do. Here you can find some meaningful challenges to undertake. Do you see those that resonate with you? Do you need help choosing the right ones for you, developing your creativity and staying motivated on your creative path?

The list continues from Part Of Awareness and Path Of Exploration.

41. Create something beautiful and valuable.42. Create something unique and meaningful.43. Connect head, heart and hands.44. Quit your heartless destructive job.45. Do what you love.46. Integrate all your diverse skills and talents.47. Experiment with choices where civilization coexists in harmony with nature.48. Grow or catch some of your food.49. Be curious to learn about healthy food choices and their impact on you and the planet.50. Choose a vegetarian diet.51. Teach people to reconnect with themselves through nature.52. Do something functional and beautiful with your own hands.53. Experiment with sustainable living.54. Use the sun as renewable energy and life energy.55. Buy less stuff.56. Repair, reuse and repurpose stuff you have.57. Improve your resilient skills for times of uncertainty and danger.58. Connect with other people and share the beauty of life with them.59. Join some visionary creative community.60. Create your meaningful work.

Path Of Invention is focused on your creative challenges, where you experience the highest personal and professional growth as you design your desired career and purpose.

80 Personal Challenges - CREATE by Art Of Green Path

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The best way to sign up is by solving short The Life Change Quiz and you will already get your first personalized answers you need!

How To Be Creative

Climb the mountain of personal transformation as you introduce more and more conscious actions into your creative outputs. Don’t expect miracles, but also don’t make excuses. Your genuine work is already in you, but you need to bring it out to the right people. Eventually, it will not feel like work at all. It will become the flow of positive energy from one soul to another.

Life should be creative. Our motivation drives our creation and vice versa. The more complete we are as persons – the more we can create. The more we create – the more we become. We have to find how to give people what they need and what makes their lives better. Create a real purpose with our work.

Do you see how many people give up their creative potential and accept being slaves of money? Do you want to be different? Being free?

What you want is to leave your false environment (with its negative state of mind) and move where you can enjoy (and maybe even love) your work and life. Perhaps it means that you need to rethink why you are doing current work. You probably need fresh inspiration for your next level of personal growth that will lead you to your perfect job or creative result.

All you essentially need is to break yourself free from a cycle of destruction and build something unique that reflects your real needs and values. The world needs new horizons of creation with integrity and vision instead of a widespread messy jumble of destruction and overconsumption.

Remember, your creation grows when you choose your creative challenges.

You Choose

Lack Of Inspiration OR Positive Creative Thinking

Lack Of Focus OR Focus On Important Actions

Struggle Without Vision OR See Big Picture

Addictions OR Healthy Lifestyle

Ignorance OR Care For Nature

Debt And Lack Of Freedom OR Freedom And Financial Resilience

Art Of Green Path - Cultivate Your Empowering Behaviours

Crafting a Career Reinvention: Forging a Purposeful and Sustainable Future

Imagine starting on a journey, not just any journey, but a path of reinvention for your career. It’s a path that leads you towards creation, creativity, and a profound sense of purpose. But it’s not just about your career; it’s about finding meaning, making a significant contribution, and forging deep connections.

As you step onto this path, you’ll notice something remarkable. Your career growth is intricately woven with your personal growth. It’s like tending to a garden where your skills and aspirations flourish alongside your inner self. But there’s more to it than personal development.

In this journey, you’ll find yourself deeply connected to the natural world. You’ll become an advocate for its care and a champion of a sustainable future. The pressing issues of our time, like climate change and biodiversity loss, won’t deter you. Instead, they’ll become the driving forces behind your choices.

You’ll step into a world of regenerative and circular economies. Here, collaboration is the key to progress, and uncertainty is met with innovation. Human values will be your compass, guiding you through the ever-evolving landscape of opportunities and challenges.

Green jobs will flourish, and you’ll be at the forefront of this green future. You’ll envision a world where the harmony of nature and human innovation coexist, creating a visionary tapestry.

The concept of biomimicry will inspire you. It’s like learning from nature’s timeless wisdom, applying its principles to your own creations and endeavors. It’s about recognizing the intricate balance that exists in the natural world and striving to mirror it in your life and work.

Picture yourself diving into an infinity pool of possibilities, where action propels you forward. The fear of the unknown will transform into a sense of adventure, propelling you to take those crucial first steps.

And why? Because you’re driven by the desire to make the world a better place. Love is your guiding force, and reinvention is your tool. You’re not just on a career path; you’re on a mission to create a positive ripple, to be a part of something bigger than yourself.

So, as you embark on your path of invention, remember that it’s not just about your career—it’s about sculpting a future that’s more sustainable, more connected, and more meaningful. It’s about contributing to a better world for all.

Journey of Creation: A Poetic Exploration

In the canvas of existence, let’s paint a scene,Where creation and creativity reign supreme,In the tapestry of life, a career’s gentle gleam,Guides us toward change, as if in a dream.

Personal growth blooms like a flower in spring,As purpose ignites, a fiery, soulful thing,Contributions to the world, like birds taking wing,In the age of AI, hear the future’s song sing.

Yet amidst this progress, a challenge looms,Climate change and loss of biodiversity in our rooms,Nature’s destruction casts darkening gloom,But together, we’ll seek nature’s resurrection, not doom.

A regenerative economy, circular and wise,Emerges from collaboration as our prize,A future free from fear and uncertain skies,Where human values guide us, oh so wise.

In this balance, green jobs take their place,Pioneering a green future, at a visionary pace,Biomimicry whispers secrets, a guiding embrace,As we dive into the infinity pool of space.

Action is our compass, in this quest we’re hurled,To craft a better world, where love is unfurled,Reinvention’s the key, as our dreams are twirled,In this epic journey to create a positive ripple in our world.

I have created this poem using ChatGPT – AI natural language processing tool, to show you how your creative journey can be impactful but also reveal the AI future that will change our lives irrevocably in more dimensions. Those with the confidence and curiosity to surf the path of inevitable change would thrive.

AI Will Disrupt Almost Everything – What You Can Do About It 

Now, more than ever, we must focus our energy on finding sustainable spots between our survival, purpose, connection and contribution. And that means doing this on individual, professional, collective and impact dimensions, at the same time, in very unpredictable time when humans will not be the most capable species on the planet.Because polycrises or metacrises caused by rapid development of AI narrow and general intelligence, unsustainability of our economic system, pressure on natural ecosystems and many jobs disruptions – will all push us to create necessary solutions that we do not have now.Many of us will very soon see the urgent need to reinvent not only our career, our lifestyle but also our purpose.So I would advise everyone to dive to understand future development, caused by AI’s opportunities and dangers, economic limits and ecological crises and dive deep into how it will affect you, your organisation and your future.

And then do something creative, proactive and good about it.

Amazing talk between Emad Mostaque from and Tom Bilyeu from Impact Theory gives us tangible and scary and hopeful insights about the AI-powered future which is almost here with advices what we could and should do about it. is one the rare AI companies that develop AI as open source and which moto: ‘AI by the people for the people – We are building the foundation to activate humanity’s potential’ sounds really transformative. 

Emad emphasizes the need to work together to address the real harms and opportunities presented by AI rather than focusing only on existential concerns.

Emad advocates for the AI’s ability to bring people together efficiently, creating social connections and interactions, transforming the role of teachers and doctors while improving human well-being.

Key takeaways:

  • AI will augment and potentially replace many job functions, making it crucial for individuals to learn how to use AI and integrate it into their work.
  • The widespread adoption of AI could lead to a crisis of confidence and job losses, causing a shift in societal dynamics and the economy.
  • Over the next few years, the AI revolution will bring both excitement and extreme challenges, with potential for social disconnection and suffering.
  • Telling better and more positive stories about the future, such as universal education and healthcare, to counter dystopian narratives and provide hope for humanity.

“Imagine if tomorrow people woke up and decided to be happy with themselves, how many industries would go bankrupt.”

“The single most edifying and thought-provoking AI discussions I have had the great fortune of viewing. It will take me several more viewings to start getting my head around the critical points, concepts, and ideas of this seminal interview. Thank you, Tom and Emad!”

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

  • a unique 12-step system for your career and life change
  • your interactive creative diary to inspire your extraordinary life
  • a set of motivational guides and challenges to get you into action

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

The Art Of Green Path LIGHT  is an introductory journey of your personal change. It is an ignition you need, a direction you want to follow, a creative spark that can become your life fire.

After your purchase, you can dive into 12 selected guides that form a circle of inspiration and motivation you need. They provoke your self-improvement and trigger your sense of purpose.

Beyond the steps of self-understanding and healthy connections, you will experiment with playful creations to explore your curiosity and expand your imagination.

Further, you will envision your desired work by exploring all dimensions of extraordinary unconventional work. Finally, you will wake up your art and know what fuels your creativity.

When you discover what kind of work better stimulates your soul and resonates with your sense of purpose – you will step into new psychological and practical realms of motivation and creation.

LIGHT is the perfect introduction into more challenging FOUR PATHS where you can continue your tangible life change. In the LIGHT you will see what is possible for you and in PATHS you will make it happen.

Join the Art Of Green Path LIGHT to plan your creative change!

Your Career Discovery Guide

If you want to learn more about your desired career and opportunities for change, explore Your Career Discovery Guide. It is free and consists of four pages:

Ideas For Career Change

Goals For Career Development

How To Choose A Career

Creative Jobs Of The Future

So take control of your professional life impact and start planning the work you love and which makes sense.

Art Of Green Path - Career Change - Ideas For Career ChangeArt Of Green Path - Career Change - Goals For Career DevelopmentArt Of Green Path - Career Change - How To Choose A CareerArt Of Green Path - Career Change - Creative Jobs Of The Future

Your Career Discovery Guide is directly related to the Path Of Invention. It introduces the whole journey of work creation. But you can also dive directly into Four Paths to make your desired leap into career you love. 

Four Paths

The ART OF GREEN PATH guides your extraordinary journey through four interconnected paths.

Discover Your Authentic Happiness

Path Of Awareness

Discover Your Authentic Happiness

Experience Your Aliveness

Path Of Exploration

Experience Your Aliveness

Create Work You Love

Path Of Invention

Create Work You Love

Reinvent Your Life

Path Of Fulfillment

Reinvent Your Life


Interactive Guide To Change Your Life

The ART OF GREEN PATH gives you an extraordinary experience through its six dimensions.



Personalized guided journey

to create the life you love.



Inspiration and motivation 

for smart daily and strategic choices.



Your online journal 

for a personal and professional transformation.



Curated challenges 

that make your insights structured and interconnected.



Unique visualizations 

to enhance your learning and creation process.



Creating a deep meaningful connection 

with yourself, with nature and with people.

Obvious Comfortable Easy by by Art Of Green PathArt Is Invention by Art Of Green PathArt Is Creation by Art Of Green Path

Why I Have Created Art Of Green Path

<p “=”” style=”text-align: left;” tve-droppable”=””>I have created the Art Of Green Path concept and digital ecosystem to inspire people (like you) for daring, unconventional and fulfilled lives driven by meaningful and impactful career choices. I believe in the transformative power of conscious personal and professional growth through which people become curious to support social and ecological causes and work toward a better world. Learn more on the About page. <p “=”” style=”text-align: left;” tve-droppable”=””>My mission is to empower people to create the life they love that is good for others and nature. I help you understand your authentic green path, develop a healthy, adventurous sustainable lifestyle and choose meaningful visionary work. Together we must care more for the planet, be more playful and loving and do more positive, impactful actions that help all people, regenerate nature, and enrich and protect life for future generations. <p “=”” style=”text-align: left;” tve-droppable”=””>Join me here on this extraordinary journey! Roman

Don’t Hesitate

If you resonate with the key points above, splash your insecurity and go on your transformative journey – create your desired work with the Path Of Invention!

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