Need To Develop Your Ideas? Our Idea Incubator & Strategy Alignment service embodies active listening, insightful questions and constructive feedback about any of your challenges. It’s more than just life or career or business advice; it’s a life-altering journey towards your best self.

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How To Be Happy

Your Self Discovery Guide

Art Of Green Path guides you to be more confident and find yourself.

Art Of Green Path - Know Yourself - How To Be Happy

80 Daily And Life Choices To Feel Happy




4. Consume less – CREATE MORE

5. Discover the WONDERS OF LIFE

6. CONNECT with inspiring people

7. Start your LIFE CHANGE



10. Experience your EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING

Find out all 80 Choices and Your Challenge below!

Life should be playful, beautiful, curious, unpredictable journey of authentic discoveries. If you let it be.

[tqb_quiz id=’1340′]Your Self Discovery Guide - Art Of Green Path

Your Self Discovery Guide – Art Of Green Path

How to Be Happy: Discover the keys to happiness and learn how to cultivate it in your life with our expert tips and creative techniques. Learn how to understand your needs, practice gratitude and mindfulness, and create a positive mindset. Find joy and fulfillment in every aspect of your life with our guide to happiness. 

Learn about Your Path Of Awareness!

I Feel Happy Because…

I Feel Happy Because - Art Of Green Path

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Be Happy By Finding Your Confidence And Purpose

The depth of the heart depends on the horizon of our mind. By cultivating our empowering emotions – like playfulness, curiosity, joy, confidence, and courage – we can reach the depths of our needs as human beings. Being on the path of our purpose in life means focusing all our intentions and ingenuity on its fulfilment. Finding our life meaning makes us happier and more confident. When emotional intelligence glows, we become ready for challenges bigger than ourselves.

Be Happy By Connecting With People And Nature

There is no wonder that our personal happiness depends on our health and our health depends on the health of the natural environment. Daily connections with people who share similar values significantly increase our happiness. We also get emotional and spiritual satisfaction through our sense of belonging to the biosphere. Our selfish struggle morphs into selfless abundance. We think beyond what we used to believe.

Be Happy By Creating Something Useful

Through the spirit of creating something beneficial for people’s well-being, we are also getting proof of our own authentic participation in the wonder of life. Being creative and valuable is the key to a happy life. As we become more self-aware and learn how to love ourselves and be self-confident – we discover our unique life path. Then we feel as we have chosen our own GREEN PATH that embraces our ART.

Why Art Of Green Path

Art Of Green Path empowers positive life transformations through a curated journey of better life choices. Hence, it gives you a personal perspective to discover your path of understanding.

Groups Of Personalised and Flexible Services We Are Offering

a comprehensive range of services aimed at fostering sustainable and impactful growth in the digital age

Unlock a world of transformative possibilities with Art Of Green Path’s diverse range of Consulting and Coaching Services. Whether it’s nurturing impactful ideas, leveraging Generative AI for innovation, or navigating through a career reinvention, our expertly tailored services are your companions in this visionary journey. Ready to transcend the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary? Engage with us, and together let’s craft a future aligned with purpose, sustainability, and meaningful impact.

click on each icon or description to find out more

Idea Incubator & Strategy Alignment

Where ideas take shape and strategies align for meaningful change.

Strategic Business Development

Crafting strategies that drive growth and impact.

Generative AI for Business

Leveraging AI’s potential for innovative solutions.

AI-Powered Digital Marketing

Harnessing the power of AI for effective digital marketing.

Career Reinvention & Coaching

Navigating career transitions with confidence.

Sustainability and Impact Transformation

Transforming sustainability into a competitive advantage.

Impact Leadership

Lead into a visionary, purposeful and regenerative AI future.

Custom Transformations

Transform your life or business and impact the world.

Each service group includes highly personalized consulting, coaching, 1:1 sessions, workshops, brainstorming sessions, strategizing and evaluations to ensure alignment with your specific needs, goals, time and budget.

There are eight groups of services, focused on solutions relevant to transformative change. Each group offers Focus Services (from 1 hour to few weeks) for shorter engagements and Core Services (from several weeks to several months) for longer immersions. They can all be customized to suit your individual or business needs. 

It is probably useful to say that I perform all these services personally, from my broad business and entrepreneurial experience, reflected between unique life and career transformations.

It helps that I also created the entire Art Of Green Path concept, ecosystem and Four Paths program.

Curious to hear how I can help you! Roman 

Your Self Discovery Guide - Art Of Green Path

Your Self Discovery Guide – Art Of Green Path

The Journey to Happiness: How to Cultivate Joy and Fulfillment in Your Life

Happiness is a state of mind we all strive for, but it can sometimes feel elusive and out of reach. But the truth is, happiness is within our grasp, and it is up to us to cultivate it in our lives.

So how do you become happy? It all starts with making a conscious choice to prioritize happiness. This means taking actions that support your well-being and bring joy to your days.

One of the best things you can do to be happy is to focus on the present moment. This means letting go of worries about the past and fears about the future. And instead, concentrate on what is happening right now. Take time each day to be mindful and present, and appreciate life’s simple pleasures.

Another key to happiness is to cultivate gratitude. This means taking time to appreciate the good things in your life, no matter how small they may seem. Keep a gratitude journal, and write down a few things you are grateful for each day. This can help shift your focus to the positive aspects of your life and increase your overall happiness.

In addition to mindfulness and gratitude, taking care of your physical and mental well-being is crucial for happiness. This means regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation. It also means seeking help if you are struggling with mental health issues, being open to trying new things, and expanding your horizons.

By taking these steps, you can cultivate happiness in your life. It may not happen overnight, but with time and effort, you can learn to be happy, no matter what life may bring your way. So, take the first step today and start your journey toward happiness. You deserve to be happy, and you can make it happen with the right mindset and actions.

Art Of Green Path, with its many resources, helps you to find and reinvent yourself. Your Self Discovery Guide inspires you on crucial topics and what you can do, and LIGHT is a guided journey where you actively understand what you want and create your goals and your written plan for growth. 

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Learn How To Be Happy 

Art Of Green Path LIGHT Guides You There Through These 12 Steps

LIGHT by Art Of Green Path

If you want to be happy – now you have a chance to try Art Of Green Path LIGHT –  a 12-step interactive challenge that can change your life forever! Bonus: a free ebook!

Are you curious to find out how you can be more happy?

The only person who controls your happiness is you. 

You are the one who can turn bleak reality into a colorful one, who can choose to feel good despite all the struggles, which holds keys of joy, kindness and gratitude. Nobody can give you happiness or steal it from you when you take full responsibility for making it real.

Art Of Green Path - Know Yourself - How To Be Happy

And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.

Edward J. Stieglitz

Discovering Purpose: The Key to Long-Term Happiness

Long-term happiness is about 15% pleasure and 85% purpose. When we chase pleasure by passively consuming things, we are diminishing our strengths, building our addictions, and lowering our happiness with life. When we pursue something meaningful that is also out of our comfort zone, we are developing our strengths, visualizing our goals, and growing our happiness with life – all three at the same time.

Life should be happy. The more we choose health – in all its forms (food, movement, sleep, meditation, nature) – the more we can reach joy (through curiosity, relationships, community, generosity, creation). Health and joy are prerequisites for happiness.

Do you see the world going crazy? Do you want to be different?

Our authentic awareness makes unconventional life possible. When you know how you want to feel, you can create conditions for such desired feelings. First, you stop doing what everybody else is doing. Second, you choose to change your mindset, diet, behaviors, relationship, job, goals, or impact. Third, you focus your energy on creations that move you toward your desired future. Away from the widespread mess of confusion, imitation, and addiction – forced on all of us. A healthy body and a healthy mind are prerequisites for life satisfaction

Remember, your happiness grows when you choose your authentic challenges.

Learn about Your Path Of Awareness!

Experiencing Happiness Leads You To Know Yourself

Being happy is a crucial step on your path to understanding yourself.

Your Choices To Feel Happy And Share Happiness

Life Is Boundless Creative Adventure If We Dare To Be

This comprehensive list is compiled with passionate, healthy, creative and ecological choices each of us can make if we want to feel happy and at the same time contribute to a better world.

These actions inspire you to move out of your comfort zone, surprise yourself and share the beauty of life with the good people you need. Art Of Green Path LIGHT is your journey full of personal discoveries.

CHALLENGE: How To Be Happy

Please read the following choices and think about how you could practice some of them in your daily situations. Recognize those moments where you feel anxious, in those crises where you would like to change your attitude or response and consciously choose to feel happy with yourself, your life, and your future. So start taking extraordinary steps to be able to see your world with your new eyes.

80 Daily And Life Choices To Feel Happy And Share Happiness

1. Focus on your positive perceptions.

2. Enjoy the present moment – positively and gratefully.

3. Do not forget to love yourself first

4. Stop complaining, being negative and just talking about problems. Unhappy people focus on the negatives in life.

5. Find something positive and good in every situation. Look for solutions and connections. Happy people love life no matter what.

6. Don’t be angry. Angry emotions make you frozen, and you are going nowhere. It is entirely useless and self-destructive to ride on anger.

7. Bring happiness and joy to everyone around you. Smile at strangers, talk to neighbours and see what you have in common, play spontaneously with your kid, make dinner with your partner, call parents more often.

8. Be happy now despite the circumstances around you. Waiting for the perfect situation will exhaust your life energy.

9. Feeling happy significantly increases your energy levels and makes you more capable of achieving your goals.

10. Celebrate all small steps toward your big life goals.

11. Cultivate your empowering emotions

12. Choose confidence and courage instead of worry and fear.

13. Choose play and purpose instead of stress and apathy.

14. Choose curiosity and joy instead of pessimism and frustration.

15. Don’t forget to reflect your love in everything you do and everything you are.

16. Choose healthy food.

17. Choose real ecologic wholesome food instead of artificial fast food.

18. Choose various colourful vegetables instead of sugars and meat.

19. Don’t forget to drink water.

20. Cut addictions by don’t having them near. Make a healthy plan and stick to it.

21. Don’t escape into alcohol indulgence, comfort eating or overeating.

22. Eat less. Move more. Balance nutrients and needs.

23. Enjoy healthy food for energy and health – happiness and vitality.

24. Consume less – create more.

25. Simplify your life around things that matter.

26. Consume and buy less.

27. Reduce, reuse, repurpose, recycle things.

28. Create more.

29. Listen and write your thoughts in a journal.

30. Create a sustainable lifestyle.

31. Confront information overload with conscious choices – stop aimlessly scrolling social networks of distraction.

32. Instead, focus on improving or changing your life so you become in the flow of your vision. 

33. Don’t feed on imaginary emotions.

34. Cut your debt.

35. Don’t escape into pleasure shopping by buying stuff you don’t need. It costs your time, your money, your attention and your life.

36. Instead, you can invest your life resources in something authentic, meaningful, rewarding, and worthwhile.

37. Discover the wonders of life.

38. Feel profound and blissful by playing with your child. Even when you have something important to do.

39. Don’t give up on your life and reflect such dissatisfaction on your children. Don’t expect them to follow your unrealized dreams. Instead, be the hero for them and yourself.

40. Inspire all children and teach them to be curious and love life.

41. Children need guidance to grow into independent conscious humans. Help them. They are showing us who we are.

42. See every interaction with people as a challenge to learn more about yourself and how you can reach higher levels of consciousness and helpfulness.

43. Learn from nature.

44. Spend time outdoors, in the woods, by the river, on the sea, in the mountains.

45. Love nature.

46. Connect with inspiring people.

47. Be passionate every day about your positive contributions. Positively surprise yourself and others.

48. Open spaces of freedom, give the best of yourself through meaningful interactions.

49. Find people who need your qualities and build something original and unique together.

50. Use your passion to create something beautiful.

51. Start your life change.

52. Reimagine your life around your authentic values and real needs. 

53. Step out of your usual daily routines to play and feel alive.

54. Do something unexpected because it is different, beautiful, inspiring, or valuable.

55. Connect more with nature, learning about the web of life.

56. Travel alone or with somebody special, maybe even make a video blog about all the extraordinary people and fantastic places you discover.

57. Plan to live intuitively and adventurously for one year, exploring the world and your own creativity.

58. Create your authentic purpose.

59. Create the vision of your desired future.

60. Understand who you are, what your values are, how you feel, how you want to feel.

61. Describe your life vision and your life purpose.

62. See how you can be helpful for people and nature.

63. Recognize what perceptions and behaviours will get you where you want to be.

64. Find work you love.

65. Change your career to feel happier and more inspired to grow as a human.

66. Make a daring plan to quit the wrong job and find the right one.

67. Choose a job aligned with your values, where you can contribute with your creative potential.

68. Use your creative energy, your creativity and your life potential.

69. Match your passion with business and marketing skills to design your meaningful work.

70. Start your innovative business that improves people’s lives.

71. Experience your emotional well-being.

72. Choose between following debt-fueled destructive consumerism or being on the quest for authentic, passionate creations. 

73. Grow your vibrant energy through your healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

74. Reconnect with yourself and discover your purpose. 

75. Feel connected with nature and people and embrace emotionally-ecological well-being.

76. Create your meaningful work.

77. Create your fulfilled life.

78. Support projects that protect our only biosphere. Find ways to reconnect people to nature and inspire them to care more about all life.

79. Bring together understanding and actions, creativity and connections to make a better world each day.

80. Love life each day again.

CHALLENGE: How To Be Happy

Which of these choices can you make today to feel happy?Which of them can you make within a week? Within a month? Within a year?

First, write these four lists (today, week, month, year) of your choices. Second, mark those choices that would have the most significant impact on your short and long term happiness. Third, be sure to focus on those marked choices in your daily actions and when you plan your life goals.

Write your answer How To Be Happy in the LIGHT Step 2 – How You Feel.

Use it as your personal online diary to motivate your desired change.

Use LIGHT for your creative journaling to get a clear picture of your desired life. Its personalization and interactivity will speed up and guide your process of self-discovery.

Art Of Green Path - Simply Happy

Research About Happiness 

The Happy Film by Stefan Sagmeister and Ben Nabors

“Austrian graphic designer Stefan Sagmeister is doing well. He lives in New York, the city of his dreams, and he has success in his work, designing album covers for the Rolling Stones, Jay-Z and the Talking Heads. But in the back of his mind he suspects there must be something more. He decides to turn himself into a design project. Can he redesign his personality to become a better person? Is it possible to train his mind to get happier? He pursues 3 controlled experiments of meditation, therapy, and drugs, grading himself along the way. But real life creeps in and confounds the process: art, sex, love, and death prove impossible to disentangle. His unique designs and painfully personal experiences mark a journey that travels closer to himself than ever intended.”

The Happy Film by Stefan Sagmeister and Ben Nabors

I highly recommend The Happy Film as one of the best personal projects on happiness, visually stunning, psychologically profound and thrillingly rewarding. Definitely worth buying and watching more than once.

Stefan took a very personal, creative and bold approach to the pursuit of happiness. Using his artistic sensibility with scientific research he let experiments take him further than he thought.

If you like art, wit, psychology, honesty, music, minimalism, design and self-analysis – you will love this beautiful, thoughtful and human movie. It will make you happier, and inspire you to find more happiness in your life.

Some of many insightful answers from Stefan Sagmeister related to this project:

CAN WE BE CONSTANTLY HAPPY?I do think it is impossible to reach permanent happiness. Daniel Nettle thinks of happiness as a carrot on a stick, a compass designed by evolution to show the way. It is designed so that we never permanently find it. If we would, we would likely sit around and eat sweet and fatty foods all day which is not in the interest of evolution. A compass that points always to the north is not useful.

HOW HAS THE PROJECT CHANGED YOU?Originally, I wanted to find an answer to the question if it is possible to train my own mind in the same way it is possible to train my body. Can I – through various techniques that will include acts of meditation, cognitive therapy and drugs – increase my overall level of happiness? It turned out that these main strategies are of only limited effectiveness, and that it really is more about creating an environment that touches on my relationships, work and something that’s bigger than myself where happiness can develop out from in between. Working on the film allowed me to think about the bigger picture properly and more frequently.

DO YOU THINK THAT HAPPINESS IS NECESSARY TO BE CREATIVE? OR, INSTEAD, THE ‘BAD LIFE’ OF SOME ARTISTS IS AN INGREDIENT THAT INCREASES CREATIVE POSSIBILITIES?I myself do much, much better when I’m in good shape. I am also more useful to other people. When I am not doing well, I create nothing. Sometimes it’s possible to look back and make a piece about the time when I did not do well, but during the period itself, my productivity and creativity are very low.

You can find more of these questions and answers here, which I think is a great addition to the great movie.

Your openness and honesty amazed me. I strive to live an honest life, with myself and with others. I think, in general, I succeed more often than I fail. Lately I’ve been failing more. But seeing your journey reinvigorated me.

about The Happy Film

Personalized Consulting & Coaching Services

click on each icon or name to find out more

Idea Incubator & Strategy Alignment

Strategic Business Development

Generative AI for Business

AI-Powered Digital Marketing

Career Reinvention & Coaching

Sustainability and Impact Transformation

Impact Leadership

Custom Transformations

Explore a world of transformative solutions with Art Of Green Path’s range of Consulting & Coaching services. Whether it’s refining your business strategy, unlocking the potential of AI, or embarking on a career reinvention, we’re here to guide you. Reach out and let’s start crafting your sustainable, impactful future together.

Summary Of Your Self Discovery Guide

Art Of Green Path - Know Yourself - How To Love Yourself

1. Find Your Choices To Love Yourself

Art Of Green Path - Know Yourself - How To Be Happy

2. Find Your Choices To Feel Happy

Art Of Green Path - Know Yourself - How To Be Confident

3. Find Your Choices To Feel Confident

Art Of Green Path - Know Yourself - How To Find Yourself

4. Find Your Choices For Self-Discovery


5. Align All These Together

It is expected to have more rounds of all these steps until you reach clarity about yourself.

If you want to speed up this self-discovery process by increasing your clarity, motivation and focus, there is the Art Of Green Path LIGHT.

The LIGHT is a unique 12-step system, interactive journaling tool and your creative guide for designing your desired life. Use it to understand yourself better.

Art Of Green Path - Create The Life You Love

How Not To Feel Empty In Our Anxious And Troubled Times

Scientific studies revealed that having a meaningful challenge gives us a more prolonged feeling of happiness, much more than passive entertainment and pleasure indulgence. Despite all benefits, obviously, the majority of people instead choose deficient escapes to feel good. As a consequence, the world is ruled by consumption and debt. It seems people are not smart to be free.

Do you feel something is missing in your life?Are you feeling empty in spite of all life potential?Can you recognize causes for your unhappy life? What is your meaningful challenge?

But what are the right challenges? Where to find them? How to have the confidence to deal with them? How are difficulties connected with each other and with your life? Even more puzzling, how to find solutions not just to one of them, but to all of them? How to build your strengths to create something different? Even more challenging, how to create something healthy in every sense? All lights up with the question: what is my meaningful challenge?

The key elements here are awareness, motivation, and creation. Being aware of the right challenge, we have to understand ourselves actively. Second, to taste it, we have to feel curious and confident. The decisive step is to create something new and meaningful. In other words, finding yourself is a transformative journey that grows our happiness from within. Only understanding can beat ignorance. Above all, we find meaning when we improve our life or the lives of others.

Life is unlimited. Can curiosity lead you to the challenges that will bring you happiness?

How Do You Feel?

How Do You Want To Feel?

Depressed and Manipulated OR Happy and Authentic?

Sick and Ignorant OR Healthy and Inspired?

Destructive and Selfish OR Creative and Generous?

Trapped and Disconnected OR Free and Connected?

Art Of Green Path - How Do You Feel?

In our age of distractions and shallow values, many people are lost and hungry for resonating answers to essential life questions: How to love yourself? How to be confident? How to be happy? How to find your own purpose? For sure, there is nothing more valuable than to know yourself.

Art Of Green Path LIGHT leads people on a journey of self discovery that involves inspirational questions, authentic motivation and a curious focus on their path to be happy and find themselves again.

Discovering Purpose: The Key to Long-Term Happiness

Long-term happiness is about 15% pleasure and 85% purpose. When we chase pleasure by passively consuming things, we are diminishing our strengths, building our addictions, and lowering our happiness with life. When we pursue something meaningful that is also out of our comfort zone, we are developing our strengths, visualizing our goals, and growing our happiness with life – all three at the same time.

Life should be happy. The more we choose health – in all its forms (food, movement, sleep, meditation, nature) – the more we can reach joy (through curiosity, relationships, community, generosity, creation). Health and joy are prerequisites for happiness.

Do you see the world going crazy? Do you want to be different?

Our authentic awareness makes unconventional life possible. When you know how you want to feel, you can create conditions for such desired feelings. First, you stop doing what everybody else is doing. Second, you choose to change your mindset, diet, behaviors, relationship, job, goals, or impact. Third, you focus your energy on creations that move you toward your desired future. Away from the widespread mess of confusion, imitation, and addiction – forced on all of us. A healthy body and a healthy mind are prerequisites for life satisfaction

Remember, your happiness grows when you choose your authentic challenges.

Art Of Green Path - Your Joy In Life in 4 Questions

What Should We Ask Ourselves More Often?

Sprouht is about exploring what it takes to live a more fulfilling life. In its insightful Shorts on the YouTube they ask people key life questions and gently capture their life truths, regrets and strokes of wisdom. In short, to live your “best” life requires you to have a strong sense of knowing who you are and what you want. You can only have these strong senses by growing your mindset.

Here are some examples of these questions:

How old are you?

What does it feel to be 82 or 67 or 49 or 26?

What is a big mistake that you’ve made or big regret that you have that you learned a valuable lesson from?

What is one thing that when we’re younger, we tend to prioritize, but as we get older, we realize isn’t actually that important?

What advice would you say to your younger self?

On the Sprouht YouTube channel you can see many precious answers from different kinds of people in different stages of life. They all share their truths and mistakes from life, and it’s interesting how others can relate to them or learn from them.

Here are some beautiful and deep examples:

We should ask ourselves these questions often and listen very carefully to our own answers to them and what they show us about our direction in life, happiness and fulfillment.

We would then realize how our choices, relationships and career match with values and goals and purpose.

So we could change, adapt or live our one life differently. Before we regret our life choices when we get too old.

Why Selfless Help Lifts People And Protects Nature?

1. Help is giving generous assistance or support to someone who needs it or asks for it or even to nature and its creatures who can not talk.

2. It offers aid, guidance, time, money or resources to someone struggling or in need. It can be a way of showing our gratitude and love to people who need it or deserve it.

3. Help can take many forms, such as offering advice, lending a hand, listening, solving a problem, providing financial support or inspiring the way forward.

4. It is equally vital for those who give help and do something good, as they can feel valuable, worthy, needed, happy and joyful.

5. Help is best when its source is generosity, kindness, selflessness and compassion. Sometimes it is better to give time and focus than money.

6. It also builds connections and relationships, as it can create a sense of trust, gratitude and recognition.

7. Help is essential for people to thrive, as it allows them to overcome challenges, access resources, unstuck and grow, pursue their goals, and follow their paths.

8. It is also essential to many communities, as it creates a sense of solidarity, belonging, strength and togetherness.

9. We can help people who grow our food, produce sustainable ecological products, care for healthy nature or inspire and guide us. We can support them directly, through their organizations, or buy their products or services. We can also share stories about them and give them the recognition, respect and love they deserve.

10. Ultimately, help is a fundamental aspect of the compassionate human experience and a way of supporting and uplifting each other.

Know Yourself

Your essential steps to understand yourself

How To Love Yourself

How To Be Happy

How To Be Confident

How To Find Yourself

Know yourself is a self discovery that happens through these 3 sources:

Inspirational Questions

Too often we blindly follow the herd. Learn how to ask and answer smart questions that make you unique and confident.

Authentic Motivation

The system around us doesn’t help us to find what is good for us. Learn how to find yourself through your genuine motivation.

Curious Focus

Our lives are full of distraction and procrastination. Learn how to be yourself by actively searching for your clarity.

Below you will find my related insights to help you find right questions, develop right motivation and achieve right focus. 

How do you want to feel?

What do you need for happiness?

Who do you want to be?

How to find your purpose?

Answers to these essential questions are making our life enthusiastic and extraordinary, or passive and painful. Many are depressed by modern mainstream traps and omnipresent fears. Being lost, not able to exit the maze. So they stay stuck in a fog of denial and unhappiness.

Instead, to feel lost and miserable, you can choose to feel curious and joyful. Only by having a clear vision of your happy future can you start changes that make such a future possible. Understanding yourself and eventually finding yourself leads you to your meaningful challenges. Get to know yourself as you unlock your life happiness.

Finding purpose in life is a transformative journey for all unhappy souls.

Inspiration and Guidance.

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Path Of Awareness

Art Of Green Path - Path Of Awareness - Discover Your Authentic Happiness

Path Of Awareness is the first path in the Art Of Green Path. It is the interactive 7-module flow of insights and exercises to inspire your superpowers to connect with yourself, understand what you want, and discover your authentic life purpose.

As your personal journey of self reflection and self discovery it will challenge your preconceptions, give you tangible self improvement and trigger your sense of purpose.

The Art Of Green Path Concept

The Art Of Green Path guides your transformative journey through four paths:

Art Of Green Path - Path Of Awareness - Discover Your Authentic Happiness

Path Of Awareness

discover Your Authentic Happiness

Art Of Green Path - Path Of Exploration - Experience Your Aliveness

Path Of Exploration

Experience Your Aliveness

Art Of Green Path - Path Of Invention - Create Work You Love

Path Of Invention

Create Work You Love

Art Of Green Path - Path Of Fulfillment - Reinvent Your Life

Path Of Fulfillment

Reinvent Your Life

Your Self Discovery Guide

Art Of Green Path - Know Yourself - How To Love YourselfArt Of Green Path - Know Yourself - How To Be HappyArt Of Green Path - Know Yourself - How To Be ConfidentArt Of Green Path - Know Yourself - How To Find Yourself

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If you want to feel happy and use your unrealized life potential, now you have special opportunity to buy your personal transformative program Art Of Green Path LIGHT

You will also receive a free ebook ‘LIGHT – 12 Steps To Change Your Life’ to help you decipher your desired life.

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Get To Know Yourself Through The Art Of Green Path

I believe that LIGHT can help you understand your unrealised life potential. Feel that NOW is the right moment to dive deeper into your self-understanding and start growing your new life. LIGHT is designed to help you build your creative momentum of change, clear and write your best thoughts, and visualise your desired unconventional life, all in 12 interactive Steps. LIGHT is your personalised tool for active self-development. Learn more here.

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