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How To Connect To Nature

Your Life Motivation Guide

Art Of Green Path guides you to be motivated for a healthy adventurous life.

Art Of Green Path - Self Motivation - How To Connect To Nature

10 Actions To Connect To Nature


2. Immerse yourself with ALL YOUR SENSES


4. Go on nature ADVENTURES with others



7. Understand OUR DEPENDENCE on the Earth’s ecosystems

8. Live CLOSE TO NATURE and love its creatures

9. Use RENEWABLE ENERGY and save water


Find out more about Actions, including Your Challenge below!

Life should be playful, beautiful, curious, unpredictable journey of authentic discoveries. If you let it be.

[tqb_quiz id=’1340′]Your Life Motivation Guide - Art Of Green Path

Your Life Motivation Guide – Art Of Green Path

How to Connect to Nature: Explore the natural world and discover the benefits of connecting with nature with our expert tips and creative techniques. Learn how to appreciate the beauty of the outdoors, practice mindfulness in nature, and create a plan for incorporating nature into your daily life. Take control of your life and start achieving your aspirations today!

Learn about Your Path Of Exploration!

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Connect To Yourself Through Nature

By discovering nature’s landscapes, you discover new landscapes in yourself. Going on a nature adventure is about learning and experiencing the beauty of biodiversity and, above all, exploring your own qualities as a human being. Through the silence of trees or the sound of waterfalls, you can clearly hear your inner voice and start following your own dreams. Nothing can inspire us more than healthy rivers, vast oceans, deep jungles and mighty mountains to become wholesome, adventurous, profound and responsible.

Connect With People Through Nature

People are islands that need an ocean of nature to unite them. People on one side of the world need people on another side, as everything is interconnected and interdependent. City people miss nature, lose delicate connections with food producers and life guardians, lose their understanding of natural ecosystems, and make destructive choices through their consumption and lifestyle. On the other hand, village people know their neighbours, as they share the fruits and joy of life together, learn from each other, and care for each other. Nature heals us. It is proven that walking in nature reduces stress, increases happiness, and makes us lighter and closer together.

Connect To Nature Through Nature

Many forget nature gives us life, not technology. Nature feeds us, waters us, heals us and shines on us. Maybe some new beings will exist only in artificial worlds in the future, but until then, let’s enjoy our unique opportunity to breathe clean air, wander with world creatures, smell flowers and make our lives extraordinary and remarkable. As our social-ecological awareness grows, we are becoming increasingly focused on how we need to preserve healthy nature for our future.

Why Art Of Green Path

Art Of Green Path empowers positive life transformations through a curated journey of better life choices. Hence, it gives you a personal perspective to discover your path of adventure.

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Unlock a world of transformative possibilities with Art Of Green Path’s diverse range of Consulting and Coaching Services. Whether it’s nurturing impactful ideas, leveraging Generative AI for innovation, or navigating through a career reinvention, our expertly tailored services are your companions in this visionary journey. Ready to transcend the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary? Engage with us, and together let’s craft a future aligned with purpose, sustainability, and meaningful impact.

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Each service group includes highly personalized consulting, coaching, 1:1 sessions, workshops, brainstorming sessions, strategizing and evaluations to ensure alignment with your specific needs, goals, time and budget.

There are eight groups of services, focused on solutions relevant to transformative change. Each group offers Focus Services (from 1 hour to few weeks) for shorter engagements and Core Services (from several weeks to several months) for longer immersions. They can all be customized to suit your individual or business needs. 

It is probably useful to say that I perform all these services personally, from my broad business and entrepreneurial experience, reflected between unique life and career transformations.

It helps that I also created the entire Art Of Green Path concept, ecosystem and Four Paths program.

Curious to hear how I can help you! Roman 

Your Life Motivation Guide - Art Of Green Path

Your Life Motivation Guide – Art Of Green Path

The Journey to Connection: How to Connect to Nature and Boost Your Well-Being

Connecting to nature is essential for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It allows us to escape the modern life’s hustle and bustle and reconnect with the natural world. But for many of us, connecting to nature can be a challenge, and we may feel disconnected from the world around us.

But the good news is that connecting to nature is within your reach, and it all starts with making a conscious choice to prioritize nature in your life. Here are some tips to help you connect to nature and feel more connected and at peace:

By following these tips, you can begin to connect to nature and feel more connected and at peace. It may not happen overnight, but with time and effort, you can learn to prioritize nature and experience its many benefits. You will love it and want to protect it.

Art Of Green Path gives you a journey to gather your motivation and connect to nature in many different ways as you move where you want to go in your career and life. You are part of the natural world, and you can make a positive difference with the right mindset and actions. 

For you who want encouragement, clarity and guidance, LIGHT is a personalized interactive course where you reflect, feel and create your motivators, goals and a written plan to start moving toward your desired future.

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Learn To Connect With Nature

Art Of Green Path LIGHT Guides You There Through These 12 Steps

LIGHT by Art Of Green Path

If you want to understand and love nature – now you have a chance to try Art Of Green Path LIGHT –  a 12-step interactive challenge that can change your life forever! Bonus: a free ebook!

Are you curious to see how nature can help you in your choices and actions?

Art Of Green Path - Self Motivation - How To Connect To Nature

What Each Of Us Should Understand And Protect If We Want To Survive And Thrive On Our Only Planet

Do we need to learn more about nature and its intricate connections to our lives? For sure, yes!

Do we need to start respecting and caring about everything nature provides? Absolutely yes!

Do we need to replace our selfish, egocentric, ignorant, and destructive exploitation of the Earth with a wise, sustainable, ecological, creative, and just relationship? Undoubtedly yes!

As we already see and feel, human civilization had done many things wrong, especially after the industrial revolution, when money was king and nature became a slave. But, unfortunately, we are still doing almost everything wrong as nothing happens – economic growth is still king, and people are still sheep – just to preserve our unsustainable selfish consumeristic superficial way of life. Although now, even an average western consumer can see the results of such a foolish economy and shallow lifestyle. Now we also have consequences of our destruction in the form of wildlife extinctions, climate change, soil loss, pollution, extreme weather, new diseases and illnesses, flood, drought, energy, food and water shortages and many others.

Learn about Your Path Of Exploration!

Obviously, if we want to survive and thrive, we must include nature in everything we do as the most essential and crucial source for our survival and our healthy future. First, learn everything about its intricate connections to our lives. Second, deeply respect and care about all the incredible eco-services nature provides to us. Third, replace our selfish, egocentric, ignorant, and destructive exploitation of the Earth with a wise, sustainable, ecological, creative, and just relationship.

Why Knowledge Of Ecology Is Where Human Civilization Begins And Ends

The basics of ecology are the fundamental principles and concepts that describe and explain the relationships between living organisms and their environment. These principles and concepts are connected to healthy living in many ways. They provide a foundation for understanding the natural world and how human activities impact the health and well-being of both people and the planet.

Some of the key basics of ecology that are connected to healthy living:

Biodiversity – the variety of plants, animals, and other organisms that make up an ecosystem. Biodiversity is essential for healthy living because it provides ecosystem services that support human health and well-being, such as clean air and water, pollination, and natural pest control.

The interconnectedness of living systems – how different species, ecosystems, and processes are interconnected and interdependent. This interconnectedness is vital for healthy living because it demonstrates how human activities, such as pollution, deforestation, and climate change, can have far-reaching and complex effects on the health and well-being of people and the planet.

The importance of natural systems and processes. The water cycle, the carbon cycle, and the nitrogen cycle are all essential for supporting life on Earth. These biological systems and processes are necessary for healthy living because they provide the resources and services we rely on for our health and well-being, such as clean air and water, food, and medicine.

The impact of human activities on the environment, such as pollution, deforestation, and climate change. This negatively impacts the health and well-being of both people and the planet. Understanding the impact of human activities on the environment is vital for healthy living because it can help us identify and address the challenges and opportunities we face in creating a more sustainable and healthy future.

Ecology is vital for healthy living because it provides a foundation for understanding the natural world and how human activities impact the health and well-being of both people and the planet. So by learning about ecology, we can develop a deeper appreciation for the value and importance of the natural world and find ways to support and protect the ecosystems and biological processes.

How Nature Can Help You

There are many personal stories of how nature can help people live more profound and healthy lives in harmony with themselves and nature.

Nine examples of these stories (don’t miss the last one):

These are just a few examples of how nature can help people to live more profound and healthy lives. You can see how many people have had similar experiences and have found that spending time in nature can provide them with a wide range of benefits – including improved physical and mental health, a more profound sense of connection and meaning, and a greater sense of well-being. 

By spending time in nature and finding ways to connect with the natural world, people understand and love nature more. They learn about biodiversity and ecological systems and their fragility and importance, want to protect the environment and care for wildlife, and choose more responsible, sustainable, healthy lives.

So knowledge, love and care about nature are critical for our survival and thriving on Earth.

Ben Fogle & New Lives in the Wild 

Ben Fogle – an award-winning broadcaster and adventurer – has pushed limits in his life in the most challenging natural environments. And he has been directly involved in discovering and meeting people worldwide who have consciously chosen to move from mainstream life of stress, debt, rat race and overconsumption to find a more meaningful alternative, live more connected to nature, follow their passion and profoundly care for nature.

Ben has climbed Mount Everest, rowed across the Atlantic, raced across Antarctica to the South Pole and crossed the deserts of the Empty Quarter in the Middle East. He has presented numerous programs for the BBC, ITV, Channel 5 and Discovery, including the hit series New Lives in the Wild, where he meets people who have adopted ‘alternative’ lifestyles that are primarily ‘off the grid’ in some of the more remote locations on Earth. I highly recommend this incredible series (all 17 seasons available on Channel 5 and BBC) if you are curious how brave people have found better, unconventional, natural, creative lifestyles in the most peculiar ways.

“Adventurer Ben Fogle travels to remote corners of the globe to experience extreme lifestyles with those who have left modern-day amenities behind. In each episode Ben spends time in an isolated location, meeting people who have realised their dreams of rat-race-free living and being in tune with Mother Nature. Ben immerses himself in their lives to explore their motivations, and discover the truth about subsisting in tough, harsh conditions. It’s also a journey of self-discovery for the presenter – would he move his own family from the comforts of London for a new life?

Ben Fogle - New Lives In The Wild

Loving Nature Leads You To A Life Of Discovery

A deep relationship to natural ecosystems is a key step on your path to exploring your life possibilities.

10 Bold Actions To Connect To Nature

Understand Your Power And Your Responsibility

Care for nature is a dynamic process of growth, requiring determination, with trials and errors, ups and downs – as any meaningful endeavour and creative pursuit. Art Of Green Path LIGHT is your journey full of connection.

It may easily be overwhelming seeing and knowing everything wrong that should be fixed. An impossible task for one human. Looking for positive solutions in a world full of contradictions and fears is certainly emotionally demanding. But any bold action in the right direction is worthy and needed. Every human connected to another human and to the Earth is genuinely necessary to protect everything we love.

As we know, every journey starts with the first steps. Then, awareness is followed by exploration, and creation is needed for deep connection. See how you can understand and love yourself by loving and caring for nature.

Challenge: How To Connect To Nature

Please read the following actions and think about how you could practice some of them in your daily situations. Recognize those moments where you feel disconnected from nature, in those life challenges where you would like to change your attitude or response and consciously choose your bold actions, healthy energy, happy dance, thoughtful creations, or unique vision. So start taking extraordinary steps to be able to move your world.


It is incompressible how we humans neglect our relationship with nature as we are already highly dependent on nature in terms of air, water, food, energy, metals, and all different resources. We need a healthy natural ecosystem – there is no other option to be healthy. To experience all these connections, you can try to recognise all links in your daily actions and consumption patterns to see how your choices influence, protect or destroy nature. After new found motivation, you can decide about different solutions for your less destructive and more protective role towards nature.

“In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught.” Baba Dioum

2. Immerse yourself with ALL YOUR SENSES

Just walking through woods fills us with serenity and joy. Seeing so much green and breathing forest air do wonders for our health, both physically and mentally. Another example is our interaction with domestic and wild animals – it makes us happier and more alive. Dog and cat lovers know what these creatures do to their state of mind. All top predators like whales, dolphins, sharks, lions, tigers and bears keep the balance of whole ecosystems and fill us with admiration and wonder.

But all other vital pieces of the life puzzle are equally astonishing, like primates, fishes, birds, octopuses, ants, funguses, trees, flowers, and millions of other species. With all our senses and knowledge, we can not embrace enough the beauty and importance of whole ecosystems where life flourish, like rain forests, coral reefs, mangroves, rivers, mountains, plains, and oceans. We as individuals feel so small compared to all nature, but we as humans hold critical answers to protect or destroy everything good we have.

A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.


Each of us is different, so for some, the unknown may be a forest outside their city; for others, it can be the heart of a remote jungle. Some can hugely benefit from daily spontaneous micro-adventures, as others feel alive on dangerous, adventurous expeditions. The range is vast, and many slip in between extremes. Knowing yourself and your needs can guide you through planning a personal adventure that can trigger your sense of aliveness. Exploring unknown nature can also start by researching and supporting global projects that protect biodiversity, wildlife or ecosystems. Or you can join local initiatives that make a difference, like raising children’s awareness of nature or planning their activities in forests or by the sea.

Did you know that trees communicate with each other through the underground network of mushrooms?

4. Go on nature ADVENTURES with others

Many of my precious life experiences happened in nature, in different remote parts of the world, often in the company of my loved ones, my friends or people I met there. As some degree of solitude has its benefits, interaction with others often makes experiences profound and more valuable. Making fire, building a shelter or picking wild berries is more fun with others. Exploring rainforests or climbing mountains is much safer if you are not alone. Local people or guides have valuable knowledge about wildlife and plants, and the whole interaction gives more depth (like with my friend Balaram in the south Nepal jungle on trekking for tigers and rhinos). These people can even be your life saviours (like our guides on canoeing through the wild river Zambezi between crocs, hippos, elephants and buffalos).

It is interesting how people feel better outdoors, through walking or cycling, with wind and sun on their faces. Like all city hardships and life worries melt away, people become light and immerse into direct experience. Talks become more profound and meaningful, our sense of belonging deeper, and we feel gratitude for being alive on our mother Earth.

Children in wilderness are less wild than trapped in front of the screen.


Each of us is lucky to be alive in this world at this particular moment on this Earth. We don’t have any other option and will not have another opportunity. So what we can do is to feel fully alive. Feel connected with all people, all creatures and the whole ecosystem. Feel love for our home.

By consciously choosing our healthy lifestyle, healthy relationships, sustainable consumption and meaningful work, we can do a lot for the healthy future of the world. However, we can have fulfilled life only if we show respect and love for this fantastic chance of being alive.

“We have to stop considering nature and the environment as something separate from society.” Stockholm Resilience Centre


Intelligence or IQ (according to Merriam-Webster dictionary) is 1) the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations and 2) the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one’s environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (such as tests).

Emotional intelligence (otherwise known as emotional quotient or EQ) is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathise with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict.

We also have social intelligence, or the capacity to know ourselves and others. Social Intelligence develops from experience with people and learning from success and failures in social settings.

With all that in mind, we can define ecological intelligence as our collective ability to understand the human impact on ecosystems and act in ways that improve them.

Our survival on Earth obviously depends on all these abilities, but ultimately on our will to develop ecological intelligence in our personal and collective actions as the only right way out of this destructive mess we have created on Earth.

“The decoding of the human genome tells us that we are indeed related to the animals, the insects, and the plants, and that, like it or not, Earth is where we belong.” Ian McCallum, Ecological Intelligence: Rediscovering Ourselves in Nature

7. Understand OUR DEPENDENCE on the Earth’s ecosystems

Throughout our history, it has been evident how humans depend on Earth. From hunter-gatherers over subsistence farmers to forming first cities, it was apparent that natural forces can give or take life. Connection with nature had existential, spiritual and emotional qualities.

But now, our ordinary city dwellers don’t see this connection anymore. We have water on tap, energy at the push of a button, a range of food in supermarkets, a lot of stuff in shopping malls, walls and buildings as protection, cars as toys, smartphones as distractions. All these insulate us from the real world, fundamental natural forces, the natural process of food production, actual limits of energy in the world, dangerous pressure on ecosystems and natural resources. We feel invincible masters when we are not. Our artificial environment of entertainment and distraction keep us oblivious to real problems we are causing with our selfish, ignorant lifestyle.

According to an international team of researchers, four of nine planetary boundaries have now been crossed due to human activity – climate change, loss of biosphere integrity, land system change, altered biogeochemical cycles (phosphorus and nitrogen). Unfortunately, the situation in the other five boundaries also looks bleak, as we are not changing our wrong behaviours fast enough to prevent coming catastrophe for all life on Earth, including us.

Planetary boundaries are thresholds within which humanity can survive, develop and thrive for generations to come. These nine boundaries created a safe operating limit for survival.The nine planetary boundaries

8. Live CLOSE TO NATURE and love its creatures

Good examples of people who consciously moved away from the city lifestyle are ecovillages worldwide. An ecovillage is a traditional or intentional community with the goal of becoming more socially, culturally, economically, and/or ecologically sustainable. Find out more about those in your area on Global Ecovillage Network.

Other examples are permaculture communities around the world. Permaculture is the harmonious integration of the landscape with people providing their food, energy, shelter and other material and non-material needs sustainably. In other words, permaculture is a holistic, living-in-harmony-with-nature worldview and a technical approach for how to do so.

“You can solve all the world’s problems in a garden.” Geoff Lawton

9. Use RENEWABLE ENERGY and save water

For those willing to stay in a city, there is the sustainable city, eco-city, or green city, which is a city designed with consideration for social, economic, and environmental impact. The UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 defines sustainable cities as those dedicated to achieving green, social, and economic sustainability. They are committed to enabling opportunities for all through a design focused on inclusivity and maintaining sustainable economic growth. The focus also includes minimising required energy, water, and food, on the other end, drastically reducing waste and output of heat, air pollution – CO2, methane, and water pollution.

The challenge with renewable energy is that we are only replacing old dependence on fossil fuels with a new reliance on non-renewable resources (like lithium and rare earth elements). Another challenge is that renewable energy sources (like wind and sun) are unpredictable and cannot provide on-demand electricity 24 hours a day. So there is a requirement for backups in the form of new dirty coal, oil or gas power stations or even nuclear power stations.

The best personal approach is to find ways to reduce energy consumption and car usage, adjust lifestyle and choose sustainable consumption while keeping well-being and natural connections. It directly protects natural resources and gives us a sense of purpose and accomplishment already.

“The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.” Learn more and take action.


Biodiversity underpins all life on Earth. There are 36 Biodiversity Hotspots in the world – hotspots are among the richest and most important ecosystems in the world. All our actions worldwide contribute to the health of these biodiversity hotspots. Everything is interlinked and interdependent. There is no way we can cut ourselves from other parts of the world as we depend on them for our survival. Our ignorance and selfishness are hitting us hard as boomerangs. Climate change consequences are only the tip of the iceberg of all negative consequences that are coming if we don’t radically change our lives.

One worrying example is rainforest destruction. Of the approximately 14.5 million square kilometres of tropical rainforest that once covered Earth’s surface, only 36 % remains intact. Just over a third, 34 %, is completely gone, and the last 30 % is in various forms of degradation.

Only our awareness and active, positive choices can prevent future habitat destruction like Borneo, Madagascar, Indonesian and Malaysian rainforests cutting, ice caps melting, floods and droughts, and food shortages worldwide.

Another worrying example is a problem with bees and other pollinators. As many as 40% of the world’s insect species are threatened with extinction. 75% of crops depend on pollinators – they must be protected. Bees are vital for the preservation of ecological balance and biodiversity in nature. Pollinators are the unsung heroes of the global ecosystem.

We can protect biodiversity and ourselves through both our creation and consumption. Creating a new healthy lifestyle, building a new sustainable home, or choosing a nomadic minimalist lifestyle can be your actions with far-reaching impact. From the consumption side, we have many options to choose from already. First, we can buy ecological / bio / organic food that directly increases biodiversity and protects valuable parts of ecosystems worldwide. Second, we can buy MSC sustainable fish and FSC sustainable wood. Third, we can purchase FAIRTRADE coffee, cocoa, sugar, textile and other products to help producers in growing countries achieve sustainable and equitable trade relationships. Fourth, we can choose responsible tourism with a less negative impact on the environment and a more positive impact on local people by empowering them to care for wildlife in their areas while providing enough for their families.

Nature will survive without humans, but humans cannot survive without nature.

Challenge: How To Connect To Nature

What actions can you take to feel more connected to nature?

What can you do in a week? In a month? In a year?

Choose one and write about it from your perspective. Focus on that action throughout the day. Then if you feel motivated, extend the challenge by a week or a month.

Write your answer How To Connect To Nature in the LIGHT Step 6 – Reflect The Beauty Of Nature In You.

Use it as your personal online diary to plan your desired change.

Use LIGHT for your creative journaling to explore your life possibilities. Its personalization and interactivity will speed up and guide your life motivation journey.

Art Of Green Path - Reflect The Beauty Of Nature In You

Embracing Minimalism and Creativity in a Life Connected to Nature and People

Living a minimalist, creative life connected to nature and people is an intelligent answer to the craziness and shallowness of modern city-based society where people lose connection with themselves, their neighbors, those who feed them, and the natural world. Instead, we are obsessed with easy entertainment and superficial consumption without caring what life is about and how high our negative impact is.

Some possible steps that you could take to live more aligned with your needs and values, where you use your creativity and reduce your consumption by choosing conscious, connected life of care and responsibility, are:

In our age of unsustainable growth, unsustainable consumption, and mainstream lifestyle disconnected from nature, living a minimalist, creative life connected to nature and people is a highly revolutionary endeavor. The bold steps you can take depend on your individual interests, values, and circumstances. They should be done consciously after self-reflection, intelligent planning and risk analysis. However, by focusing on the things that are most important to you, and by finding ways to connect with nature and others in meaningful and fulfilling ways, you can create a minimalist, creative life that supports your well-being and the well-being of the world around you. And you can directly contribute to our healthy and sustainable future.

The Earthshot Prize

One of the greatest global initiative to protect and restore nature is The Earthshot Prize. It was designed to find and grow the solutions that will repair our planet this decade (2021-2030).

We face our greatest challenge – to regenerate the place we all call home in the next ten years. We believe in the power of human ingenuity to prove to us all that the seemingly impossible is possible.

The Earthshot Prize is centred around five ‘Earthshots’ – simple but ambitious goals, underpinned by scientifically agreed targets, which if achieved by 2030 will improve life for us all, for generations to come. They are focused on climate, nature, air, oceans and waste.






The Earthshot Prize was designed to find and grow the solutions that will repair our planet this decade.

We face our greatest challenge; to regenerate the place we all call home in the next ten years. We believe in the power of human ingenuity to prove to us all that the seemingly impossible is possible.

The Five Earthshots

Learn more about each of them. Meet The Earthshot Prize winners.




Earthshot - CLEAN OUR AIR







The Earth is at a tipping point and we face a stark choice: either we continue as we are and irreparably damage our planet, or we remember our unique power as human beings and our continual ability to lead, innovate and problem-solve.

People can achieve great things. The next ten years present us with one of our greatest tests – a decade of action to repair the Earth.

Prince William

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Explore a world of transformative solutions with Art Of Green Path’s range of services. Whether it’s refining your business strategy, unlocking the potential of AI, or embarking on a career reinvention, we’re here to guide you. Reach out and let’s start crafting your sustainable, impactful future together.

Summary Of Your Life Motivation Guide

Art Of Green Path - Self Motivation - How To Motivate Yourself For Change

1. Find Your Motivation

Art Of Green Path - Self Motivation - How To Be Healthy

2. Find Your Healthy Lifestyle

Art Of Green Path - Self Motivation - How To Overcome Challenges

3. Overcome Your Challenges

Art Of Green Path - Self Motivation - How To Connect To Nature

4. Connect To Nature And Yourself


5. Align All These Together

It is expected to have more rounds of all these steps until you reach clarity about your life of discovery.

If you want to speed up this self-discovery process by increasing your clarity, motivation and focus, there is the Art Of Green Path LIGHT.

The LIGHT is a unique 12-step system, interactive journaling tool and your creative guide for designing your desired life. Use it to explore your life possibilities better.

Art Of Green Path - People For People

Not So Loving Relationships Of People And Nature

The wealth of our society is still measured in GDP dollars and the crazy doctrine of unlimited growth. All destructions of ecological resources and exploitation of human beings are omitted from any profit calculation. It is not enough that almost all money is made by banks through debt (by black financial magic), not from innovative and collective work by the majority of people – that is a widespread misconception. The invisible capital controls almost all national governments through corporate and economic dominance. So politicians work for masters of money and against people who elect them. That poisonous truth is hidden with massive lies of controlled media and through the illusion of democracy.

We are never meant to know the whole truth.

Ideological movements, especially those with extremist and religious contexts, are publicly and secretly funded by state and corporate interests. In the background of changes in government are often preservation of political influence, control of natural resources, trade routes, arms sales, economic exploitation and geopolitical dominance. To understand how the current system of profit accumulation is wrong, see this mind-blowing fact. Powerful global corporations use natural resources and services without paying anything for the destruction and degradation of the ecosystem or decreasing well-being and health for billions of people. They just don’t include all such huge costs in their balance sheets, zero caring about consequences.

The money-centred world reflects our ignorant selfishness.

Billions of people are victims of that crazy gambling with the world’s future. Caring relationships of people and nature are that transformative power we need to replace the mad system that is killing us all. There are many personal and social transformations that each of us and we as groups can do to stop the destruction and start creating something connecting and enriching. Instead of following the masses, we can shape our own path. We must stop believing what media lie to us and discover the real truth from uncorrupted individuals, alternative organisations and diverse enlightened people and unconventional websites. We need to go deep to understand models of our slavery. We need to connect and apply solutions to return our freedom. We need to use our life energy to create something beautiful, useful and inspirational.

We need to create ART that transforms destruction into GREEN PATH. What could be your art?

Biodiversity: Our Solutions Are In Nature

What can each of us do personally and professionally to find solutions that protect biodiversity, save energy and secure our future? Who is ready to replace comfortable selfish, ignorant life with a new meaningful adventure? There is no excuse for us to wait any longer. We, together and as individuals, should reinvent our lives and create conscious, creative and responsible paths.

Learn more about biodiversity in crisis and our active roles in its protection. Don’t stay passive and waiting others to invite you. Start your personal and professional change now!

“Despite all our technological advances we are completely dependent on healthy and vibrant ecosystems for our water, food, medicines, clothes, fuel, shelter and energy,” says UN Biodiversity chief Elizabeth Mrema.

Taking action #ForNature to stop biodiversity loss and tackle the #ClimateCrisis is urgent.

UN Biodiversity

Biodiversity: our solutions are in nature

Recognize Patterns And Interdependence Inside Nature

Opposite to only taking from nature, we should start learning from nature more to find new balanced ways of living on this planet. That understanding should include global, local, macro, micro and nano interconnections. We have just scratched the surface despite all biological, chemical, physical, neuroscientific, anthropological, sociological, ecological, behavioural, and interdisciplinary research. We still need to successfully apply this knowledge in developing our creative environments, social-ecological systems, technological advancements, urban services, and the overall future of our sustainable living. Ecosystem services, such as healthy soils, water circulation, clean air, mineral resources, climate regulation, nutrients circulation, pollination, and other countless cycles in the biosphere, are prerequisites for the right conditions for all life (including us) on Earth.

Reconnecting to THE BIOSPHERE is the way to go.

We, humans, are dependent on other living organisms and have been interacting with them ever since we evolved. After all, we’re organisms ourselves and organisms interact with one another. Historically, the impacts of humans on other organisms only took place in local space. In other words, in our own immediate vicinities. Globalized markets, especially for food products have removed, however, many of our interactions with other living organisms from our own immediate vicinities. And we are often unaware of the impacts our actions actually are having on biodiversity. We’ve realized, in recent years, that the combination of all human interactions with other living organisms is changing both the composition and the performance of the biosphere. That is to say the sum of all the living organisms on this planet at the global level. Fortunately, new computer capacity and the ability to deal with big data are now giving us the opportunity to track all of our interactions with life on Earth. Being able to track these interactions will also, hopefully, allow us to minimize the impact of human activities on other living organisms.

Katherine Richardson Professor at Sustainability Science Centre

How Do You Feel?How Do You Want To Feel?

Depressed and Manipulated OR Happy and Authentic?

Sick and Ignorant OR Healthy and Inspired?

Destructive and Selfish OR Creative and Generous?

Trapped and Disconnected OR Free and Connected?

Art Of Green Path - How Do You Feel?

In our age of depression and consumerist lifestyle, many people are anxious and hungry for resonating answers to essential life questions: How to get motivated? How to feel alive? How to choose a healthy lifestyle? For sure, there is nothing more valuable than to be inspired for everything you desire to do.

Art Of Green Path LIGHT leads people on a journey of exploration that involves thoughtful questions, unique motivation and active focus on their path to be confident and plan life adventures.

Art Of Green Path - Your Life Vitality in 4 Questions

Why Do We Need Nature And How To Protect It?

1. Nature is the beauty, magnificence and life around us, including plants, animals, the environment, and biodiversity.

2. It is the source of life and provides us with the resources we need to survive, such as food, water, and oxygen.

3. Nature is gorgeous and unique, with its diverse ecosystems, landscapes, and species.

4. It is also powerful, with its ability to create, destroy, and adapt.

5. Nature is essential for our physical and mental well-being, providing fresh air, clean water, nourishing food and a sense of connection and peace.

6. It also plays a crucial role in the planet’s health, providing vital ecosystem services, such as pollination, climate regulation, and water purification.

7. Nature is vulnerable and threatened by human activities, such as pollution, habitat destruction, biodiversity loss and climate change.

8. We must protect and conserve nature for our survival and for future generations.

9. We can do this by reducing our environmental impact, changing unsustainable lifestyles, supporting conservation efforts, and advocating for policies that protect nature.

10. We can create a healthier, more sustainable world by loving, protecting, cherishing and respecting nature.

The Age Of Nature

The Age Of Nature is documentary series that explores humanity’s relationship with nature and wildlife, as scientists and conservationists from all over the world examine ways we can restore our planet. They ask whether newfound awareness of nature could bring about a new chapter in the human story.

Each episode is about 60 minutes, I have watched them on the BBC Earth but here you can find some short clips from them.

Episode 1 Awakening

Our awareness of Nature is growing. As we discover its role in our modern world and realize its true value, action is being taken to protect and restore it. This story is told by contributors who reveal the awakening of a new era.

In the years following World War II, the United States tested over twenty atomic bombs in the Pacific Ocean, with devastating consequences. Today, Bikini Atoll is a nature reserve with flourishing coral reefs.

Episode 2 Understanding

A new understanding of the way Nature works is helping us find some ways of fixing it. As our understanding deepens, we realize that everything is connected, and by helping to restore Nature we all benefit, humans and animals alike.

The killer whales in the sea off Seattle were getting worse and worse. The females lost their young and all were malnourished. The explanation? Their main food, the large king salmon, had been almost exterminated by all the power plants in the rivers.

Episode 3 Changing 

Our world is governed by the rules of Nature, and we are seeing it unleash its power. As global warming accelerates, it’s clear that restoring Nature is our only defense against an uncertain future. Are we ready to change our destiny?

The small country of Bhutan has decided that at least 60 percent of the surface should be covered by forest, an example in a world where so much rainforest is being destroyed. But if biological diversity is to be preserved, devastated ecosystems must also be repaired.

These examples and stories reveal why restoring nature may be the best hope for fighting climate change and slowing down global warming. Why do actions that preserve ecological systems and protect biodiversity hold answers for a planetary crisis we are facing.

They can also inspire all conscious, motivated and resourceful people (which I believe are people inside of the Art Of Green Path community) to start using individual and shared potential and do something remarkable and needed about restoring nature in your local communities or supporting the projects that do that worldwide, which will have multiplying positive impact on our lives and all life on Earth.

Scientifically, this is not a climate crisis. We are now facing something deeper: mass extinction, air pollution, undermining ecosystem functions, really putting humanity’s future at risk. This is a planetary crisis!

Johan Rockström – Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Self Motivation

Your essential steps to use your life potential.

How To Motivate Yourself For Change

How To Be Healthy

How To Overcome Challenges

How To Connect To Nature

Self Motivation is a self discovery that happens through these 3 sources:

Thoughtful Questions

Few people question conventional life choices. Learn how to ask and answer important questions that have a profound impact on your future.

Unique Motivation

The system offers obvious, easy, delusional choices – to control us. Learn how to motivate yourself around your values and life goals.

Active Focus

Our world is full of consumption and fears. Learn how to increase self-motivation by actively exploring healthy and adventurous living.

Below you will find my related insights to help you find right questions, develop right motivation and achieve right focus. 

What experience do you need?

How to develop a healthy lifestyle?

How can you live adventurously?

How to connect with nature & people?

Answers to these essential questions are making our life exciting and extraordinary, or dull and painful. Many are trapped in mainstream life of overconsumption and unhealthy choices. Being passive, not dare to seek better alternatives. So they stay stuck in a fog of addiction and sickness, ignoring the desire for a life adventure.

Instead, to feel passive and weak, you can feel healthy and alive. Only by experimenting with healthy motivation can you develop your conscious, healthy lifestyle. Even more, exploring connections with people and nature shape your adventurous living. Self-motivation is the key to feeling alive.

Finding healthy motivation is a transformative journey for all unbalanced souls.

Inspiration and Guidance.

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Path Of Exploration

Art Of Green Path - Path Of Exploration - Experience Your Aliveness

Path Of Exploration is the second path of the Art Of Green Path. It is the interactive 7-module flow of insights and exercises to inspire your superpowers to discover your healthy lifestyle, kindle your adventurous spirit, and connect with nature.

As your personal journey of unconventional exploration and life discovery, it will challenge your preconceptions, grow your new confidence and trigger your sense of wonder.

The Art Of Green Path Concept

The ART OF GREEN PATH guides your transformative journey through four paths:

Art Of Green Path - Path Of Awareness - Discover Your Authentic Happiness

Path Of Awareness

Discover Your Authentic Happiness

Art Of Green Path - Path Of Exploration - Experience Your Aliveness

Path Of Exploration

Experience Your Aliveness

Art Of Green Path - Path Of Invention - Create Work You Love

Path Of Invention

Create Work You Love

Art Of Green Path - Path Of Fulfillment - Reinvent Your Life

Path Of Fulfillment

Reinvent Your Life

Art Of Green Path - Self Motivation - How To Motivate Yourself For ChangeArt Of Green Path - Self Motivation - How To Be HealthyArt Of Green Path - Self Motivation - How To Overcome ChallengesArt Of Green Path - Self Motivation - How To Connect To Nature

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Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Art Of Green Path LIGHT

Develop Self Motivation Through The Art Of Green Path

I believe that LIGHT can help you understand your healthy adventurous motivation. Feel that NOW is the right moment to dive deeper into your self-exploring and start growing your new life. LIGHT is designed to help you build your creative momentum of change, clear and write your best thoughts, and visualise your desired unconventional life, all in 12 interactive Steps. LIGHT is your personalised tool for active self-development. Learn more here.

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